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Team Death match for GSF


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I am all for more game modes, but this seems like the least fun option for GSF. It didn't really work for arenas so why would it work with galactic starfighter?


I don't know if it's you die once you don't respawn or whoever gets the most kills in a time limit, but either way...it will reward gunships who always get the most kills.

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TDM will work just fine. GS get a lot of kills because players are funneled around satelites in domination. It means they are easy targets. With TDM, players can go anywhere without having to worry about an objective. This will make piloting a GS very difficult.


All it takes is one scout to fly circles around a GS and harass it to remove their lethality. So as long as scouts fill that role in a TDM match, GSs won't be that much of an issue.


What might suck though is a GS guarded by mines from a bomber.

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My concern: in the current Domination mode, there is little incentive to take basic scout and/or strike fighter over Sting/Flashfire, as the latter seems to be superior. I don't think Deathmatch mode will change that (but I hope to be proven wrong) which leaves us with one type of ship being universally better than several other types (Gunships and Bombers are different category). Like Operative healer vs. Mercenary/Sorcerer healers in ground PVP.


Edit: mr_sim was quicker to share the same concern.

Edited by Danylia
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My concern: in the current Domination mode, there is little incentive to take basic scout and/or strike fighter over Sting/Flashfire, as the latter seems to be superior. I don't think Deathmatch mode will change that (but I hope to be proven wrong) which leaves us with one type of ship being universally better than several other types (Gunships and Bombers are different category). Like Operative healer vs. Mercenary/Sorcerer healers in ground PVP.


Edit: mr_sim was quicker to share the same concern.


Don't know how you do it but give a mode that scouts utterly fail at and I won't complain about deathmatch.


Scouts really suck in confined spaces so incorporate that and you get a park the scout pick up a striker kind of map.

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I haven't played Deathmatch on the PTS yet but the only thing I don't like the sound of are these magic floating balls of light in space (power ups). I mean we all get that is fantasy but just for immersion sake I hope there is some source from which these power ups are generated....like having power up kits or pods launched or teleported from a support ship at random. Right place right time maybe a fighter could catch one on the fly. It would be even more interesting if this support ship were Gree..like they were using the event for some mysterious purpose.
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My concern: in the current Domination mode, there is little incentive to take basic scout and/or strike fighter over Sting/Flashfire, as the latter seems to be superior.

I disagree with you on that.


My top 3 most used ships are as follows:

1. Novadive

2. Flashfire

3. Starguard


I've outfitted my Novadive to be incredibly maneuverable while my flashfire is set up to be very heavy hitting. However, I usually do better flying my Nova anyway. It's engines practically never run out and it's turn rate is stupid fast. My flashfire, on the otherhand, is good for assaulting gunships and turrets since its has directional shields and hard-hitting burst lasers. It can 1-2 shot a satellite turret with its burst lasers depending on whether or not I penetrate the armor. My starguard is great because of its ion cannons. I can leech power off of the target then finish them up with a concussion missile or a quad-laser volley.

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It's hard to predict now, but I think deathmatch is going to play very differently.


The biggest difference between Deathmatch and Domination is that if there is a player or players that are troublesome, you can simply avoid them. There's no reason to go where you don't want to go. That really changes the dynamics for a lot of fighters and weapons.


While in Domination, I would certainly agree that anything a Blackbolt can do, a Sting can do better. But in Deathmatch that may not be so true. The Blackbolt can exclusively use Shield-to-Engine Converter to get practically unlimited afterburners, meaning it can fly all around the map looking for wounded or lone targets to ambush (its Sensors component, which the Sting also doesn't have, will help with this). Then the moment anyone attacks it, it can flee. It will also have an advantage in grabbing power-ups.


The Sting will probably remain a strong generalist, though we may see more people opting for Quads maxed for Range instead of Burst Laser Cannons. Without satellites, there's no reason to engage in close-range combat, and if someone rushes at you with Burst Laser Cannons, there's no reason not to just boost away.


The Rycer will probably be a bit less viable than the Quell in Deathmatch, since having both long-range and short-range lasers doesn't seem that important. The pilot can pick whichever one matches his style and choose to engage at that range. Conversely, the Quell has the advantage of being able to use Cluster Missiles and Proton Torpedoes (which are the best anti-Bomber weapon--a Bomber has very tough shields and armor, but no way to evade a Proton Torpedo once fired, and the torpedo pierces all shields and armor).


I suspect Gunships will do well initially, but then everyone will learn that it's best to just avoid them. Unlike in Domination, where a Gunship can always go toward a node with certainty that there will be people to kill there, I suspect that in Deathmatch the "furball" will move and shift constantly as Scouts and Strikes compete for power-ups. It'll be hard for the Gunships to keep up.


Bombers, for all their amazing abilities for defending nodes in Domination, will have a very hard time in Deathmatch I think. They have limited mobility, no missile-evading ability, and there's no reason for anyone to bother coming in range of their drones or mines. At best, they might serve as "healers", using Repair Drone and Shield Projector to bolster allies. But they'll be such tempting targets that they won't last long out in the open. Either way, the Minelayer is far less viable than the Dronecarrier, which can at least deploy railgun drones for some long range oomph.

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Death Match is probably going to be even more lopsided than Domination games. I doubt it will be flying all over the place, but ships will concentrate because that is where the enemy is. Concentrated formations of fighters will be able to protect Gunships who will be able to happily snipe away...on the side that gains the initial advantage or that is better overall.


Once one side starts dying they will fly back in one by one or in small groups and get overwhelmed pretty fast. You may even see respawns getting farmed just beyond any safety turret range snice there is nothing for the other side to guard. Aside from wanting to reach specific achievements, I think Death Match will quickly become barren of non-elite/solo players.

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