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How is Galactic Starfighter?


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Hi all, i'm thinking of transferring here and was wondering a couple of questions:

1. How are the Republic and imp queues?

2. How are the Republic and imps?

3. Are there more pub vs. pub matches or vice versa.

4. Is the Galactic Starfighter decent here?


Thanks all!


Here goes (I play imp, by the way):


1.) Depends on the time of day. I've had instapops, and I've had to wait a few minutes.

2.) Depends on the match. I've had close ones, been murdered, and slaughtered pubs.

3.) I've only had a few imp vs. imp matches. Don't play pub side, so no help there.

4.) I'd like to think so, although the best matches aren't because we have 12 great players vs. another 12, more like 4 good players vs. 4 good players, and everyone else is just filler.


Just to throw this out there, I'm pretty garbage, so take my opinions with a grain of salt.

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I play Pub side.

I play a lot!

We get a lot of Pub v Pub and I'm rarely waiting long for a pop durring prime time. I get my weekly every Tuesday night and have 1 ship mastered (not spending ANY cartel coins) and 2 others close to mastered. I agree with the previous poster, the factions seem to be evenly matched. Neither side really has a "factional" advantage although the Pub side seems to have more players. There are nights when the Imps clean our clocks and there are nights that they can't seem to get anything going.

I don't consider myself an overly good pilot, but I have managed to obtain some pretty good achievement so far Fleet Captain, Medalist etc.) The advantage seems to come from running in a group all in voice comms. I do better when I que with a group of guildies than when I solo que.


If you are looking for a guild once you Xfer please look up Souls of Fate, there are 3 of us who run GSF on a regular basis and we really need a regular 4th!

Edited by RiVaN_
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1. Short. Republic is shorter and we sometimes get RvR, but I play both sides and almost never have to wait that long.

2. I guess it depends on the time of day, personally I have about a 85% win rate on my Republic character, and like a 60% or so win rate on my Imp character. Take from that what you will.

3. RvR is very common. IvI I have never seen.

4. Subjective I guess? I love it, play it almost every day.

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