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Sorc's Fade out


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Ok, so I am starting this thread to see if other sorcs have this issue, and I would like input from Sages as well. As of right now, sorcs Fade out ability is half broken. It removes plants and prevents plants, but it doesn't do anything for knock backs. You can be pushed, pulled, or knock backed by anyone with one. The ability clearly stats that it grants an immunity from all movement impairing effects for the duration of the ability. Now granted it is only 2 seconds, but I have been pushed, pull, and KB the instant I proc force speed. I have heard that sages do not have this issue, but as I don't have a sage high enough to test this myself, I would like some who play sages and have their version of it to let me know. I have been killed so many times because this ability has failed to do what it says countless times now. I have put it several tickets about this, but have not seen anything back about the issue. So, that is why I came here to see what has been happening to everyone else.
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Knockbacks and pulls are not movement imparing, they are a forced movement imposed on you, this is different, so as far as I can tell the ability is working correctly. But I never use it myself, it's for too short a period, and doesn't prevent knockbacks and pulls, so I don't put it on my hotbars.
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If that's the sorc equivalent to Egress, then I'd say it's just plain buggy to the point of being useless. In many cases, all it does is produce rubberbanding from and back to an attacker (apparently client and server have different opinions about what that skill does or doesn't break). This often occurs against Juggernauts or Marauders, and I guess sorcs have the same issues with Guardians and Sentinels.
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As far as I have seen, unless it just happens to bug out every time I try it on sages, they cannot be knocked back when the speed. I see where the tool tip for Fade out differs for that of Hydraulic overrides. I was just wanting to know if any Sages have noticed being knocked back when they proc their speed. Edited by Ink-Blot
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