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Can we please at least get an UPDATE on the loot bug in 16-Man HM Fortress/Palace?


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My guild is a 16-man raiding guild and due to a bug which has been present since the release of the content, we are being denied specific token drops unless we split our raid into 8 man groups. Grob'Thok is supposed to drop gloves but drops pants in addition to Raptus who correctly drops pants. Calphayus, who is supposed to drop boots drops gloves instead. No boss drops boots on 16-man at all.


Also both Nefra and Bestia drop belts, where as Bestia drops bracers in 8-man. The bracers are unavailable in 16-man at all.


TLDR: The Boots and Bracers token is currently unavailable to 16-man raiding guilds due to a loot bug and has been since the release of the content. Can we please at least get an update on wether this is going to be fixed?

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