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Just finished Darth bane trilogy, Questions.


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Loved the series. Haven't been able to find any information on these questions so thought i'd try here.


Is there a book after the trilogy? following

Zannah/cognus/set harth?



If there is no book after, is there any word that there will be? If not, is there any information on what's happened to these people/how they die, etc?


Going to be listening to the Revan audiobook shortly, is there any other good one's out there you'd suggest?

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There are not currently any other books that directly follow this trilogy. What we know about what happens to the survivors can be inferred from obscure references scattered throughout the EU.


For example, we know Cognus outlives Zannah and takes at least two different apprentices in her lifetime - one, Darth Millenial, disagrees with the Rule of Two and strikes off on his own to found the Prophets of the Darkside. Since the Rule of Two line continues, that means Cognus must have found another apprentice after Millenial left.


If you like stories focusing on Dark Side characters you may enjoy the Darth Plagueis novel, I haven't read it personally but I usually hear it praised by people who liked the Bane trilogy (although others have described it as dull, so fair warning there).


Good Star Wars novels in general:

"The Thrawn Trilogy" (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command) by Timothy Zhan, set a few years after Return of the Jedi - widely held as the best Star Wars novels ever written (I tend to agree). Just be forgiving about some timeline issues with the Clone Wars (the prequels hadn't been made when these books came out).


Good Star Wars novels in the Old Republic era:

Deceived by Paul S. Kemp is another good "Dark Side" novel since it follows Darth Malgus around the time of the sacking of Coruscant. It's definitely one of the better TOR novels.

Annihilation is by Drew K. the author of the Bane trilogy and Revan, and I thought it was better than Revan, although not quite as good as the Bane trilogy. It's set during the timeframe of the game, just before Rise of the Hutt Cartel.

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Cool, Thanks. A few of the books you mentioned were on my list to check out as well.


I hope they write a book following the darth bane trilogy. I'd really like to know the details of what happens to each of them!

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great trilogy!, I loved every moment. a few other audio books I have and really enjoyed were, Revan, and the book Kenobi which is still fairly new and by far my favorite Star wars book to date is Darth Plagueis. Plagueis to me was way better then episode 1 of the movies (book version as well) and on the 22nd of January a new Darth Maul book is due out which takes place in the same time period as the Plagueis book and also ties into that book from the reviews ive read so far. another series im reading is the Legacy of the Force series, its a pretty long series but I really like it so far. that series involves luke, leia, han, mara jade, boba fett, lando. its been a good series so far.
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[...]another series im reading is the Legacy of the Force series, its a pretty long series but I really like it so far. that series involves luke, leia, han, mara jade, boba fett, lando. its been a good series so far.

Not to pull the thread off-topic but I'm curious - did you read the New Jedi Order books before reading Legacy of the Force? I enjoyed Legacy, but I came to it after having read everything about the 'next generation' of Jedi from the "Thrawn Trilogy" (when Jaina and Jacen were born) on through the Jedi Academy Trilogy, the Young Jedi Knights series, the New Jedi Order series, and the Dark Nest Trilogy.

I've always been curious how accessible people find those later series if they hadn't read everything leading up to them.


Back on-topic:

[...]I hope they write a book following the darth bane trilogy. I'd really like to know the details of what happens to each of them!

I agree that would be an interesting area to see more stories told during. The only thing I worry about is how much it might end up straining the suspension of disbelief that the Sith kept themselves a secret if we get many more stories of them going up against the Jedi, and on the flipside if they are stories about the Sith without the Jedi playing a big role, I worry it may drift a bit too far from a Star Wars feel. I just think they'd have to be careful about how they do it, and have the right author threading that needle (the added drama of keeping themselves secret could make a story better, but there's such a risk of it being overdone/becoming repetitive).


I got the chance to talk to Drew Karpyshyn for a good while at a TOR Cantina Event a few months back. He is definitely fully invested in his own original book series right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he felt a Star Wars "itch" down the line and came back for a few more stories set in the Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Bane learns how to take over people's body, so Zannah may actually be him.
Drew confirmed that this isn't the case, Zannah is still Zannah, she just has a part of Bane in him.


And I'd second, third or whatever other people's suggests to read Darth Plagueis. Excellent, excellent book. No its not packed with action but that just makes the action-sequences all the more satisfying. And the politics is done as it should have been in Episode 1. Also fascinating back stories on two of the greatest Sith Lords of all time - well worth a read.


Also ties in with Darth Bane, what being the pinnacle of his philosophy and all. And if you like the bad guy perspective you get in Bane your sure to love Plagueis just as much. Yet in a totally different way.


Read it now!

Edited by Beniboybling
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Drew confirmed that this isn't the case, Zannah is still Zannah, she just has a part of Bane in him.


And I'd second, third or whatever other people's suggests to read Darth Plagueis. Excellent, excellent book. No its not packed with action but that just makes the action-sequences all the more satisfying. And the politics is done as it should have been in Episode 1. Also fascinating back stories on two of the greatest Sith Lords of all time - well worth a read.


Also ties in with Darth Bane, what being the pinnacle of his philosophy and all. And if you like the bad guy perspective you get in Bane your sure to love Plagueis just as much. Yet in a totally different way.


Read it now!

In Plagueis, it said that they knew how to take over people's body until Darth Gravid. They could all be Zannah until then for all you know.

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