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Suggestion: Use our class ship as a cosmetic model


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I'm sure this has been suggested before but I couldn't find any similar posts so here it is:


It would be cool if we could use our own class ships in GS. In order to maintain balance between ships I would suggest these be applied only as a cosmetic model, and maybe even restrict which ships they can be applied to (for example the Fury would be a cosmetic for SF ships, Phantom a cosmetic for Scouts, etc). It would be nice to be able to use our class ships outside of those incredibly boring rail-shooter space missions.


If people worry about not being able to determine what type of ship they are facing and thus not knowing which strategy to use against them then BW could just make nameplates for the ship you have targeted easier to see.


That's just my two cents, what do you guys think?

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Class ships are, by lore, 3-4 times bigger than what we're working with in GSF (maybe only two and a half times bigger than a gunship). It's really immersion-breaking to put them into the dogfight with the same size and stats as the other ships.


There's also technical reasons against this. You know those minipet ships people have fly around them while they afk in the fleet? Yeah, those are the actual size models used in the matches. Go stand in your hanger and pull out a miniature sting... and try to convince someone it'd be easy to scale the class ship down without losing an insane amount of detail.


I saw someone mention somewhere that they could be introduced as a sort of light freighter class for certain game types. I think that'd work a lot better - they'd need some advantages and/or mission capabilities to make up for their enormous size and awful maneuverability, though.

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Normally I would agree with you in that the size difference is a bit off. However that argument is already hypocritical because the GS sizes are already unimmersive when you really think about it.


Every ship brings a crew of five including yourself. Do you really mean to tell me that five people who are responsible for things like engineering, tactics, shields, and offenses can fit in that tiny little cockpit on the Blackbolt? The F-T6 and F-T2 are the same, how do you fit five people who have very different jobs into that tiny bit of space? That would mean those cockpits would have to be at minimum three to four times the size of an average jet fighter, and that would mean that the rest of the ship is not that much smaller than the class ships, which also have a crew of around five.


All in all BW already showed that they are willing to bend the size rules, so it wouldn't be a big stretch to make the class ships slightly smaller than they actually would be when in GS, thus bringing them roughly in line with the size of all the other ships.


Also I'm not really sure what you mean by the model ships. If you are trying to say that the GS ships use models of the same size as the pets (how would you even know that?) then that is completely irrelevant for two reasons . Firstly it is very easy to scale models like that without losing details, and secondly there are already models of the class ships that can be used.

Edited by sollinton
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Normally I would agree with you in that the size difference is a bit off. However that argument is already hypocritical because the GS sizes are already unimmersive when you really think about it.


Every ship brings a crew of five including yourself. Do you really mean to tell me that five people who are responsible for things like engineering, tactics, shields, and offenses can fit in that tiny little cockpit on the Blackbolt? The F-T6 and F-T2 are the same, how do you fit five people who have very different jobs into that tiny bit of space? That would mean those cockpits would have to be at minimum three to four times the size of an average jet fighter, and that would mean that the rest of the ship is not that much smaller than the class ships, which also have a crew of around five.


All in all BW already showed that they are willing to bend the size rules, so it wouldn't be a big stretch to make the class ships slightly smaller than they actually would be when in GS, thus bringing them roughly in line with the size of all the other ships.


Also I'm not really sure what you mean by the model ships. If you are trying to say that the GS ships use models of the same size as the pets (how would you even know that?) then that is completely irrelevant for two reasons . Firstly it is very easy to scale models like that without losing details, and secondly there are already models of the class ships that can be used.


Incorrect. In the lore, only the Co-pilot companion is with you (that is why that one speaks). The rest are support crew who take care of the ship on the ground.


That being said, me and Salana have to be pretty cozy in my Blackbolt. :)

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