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A Theory...


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I suppose the idea is that scouts will need to be more selective of their targets: going after the gunships thus protecting friendly bombers while they and the strike fighters hold the objectives.


Killing the bombers is the gunship's job. Killing the gunships is the scout's job.


My two cents.


I wrote this earlier in one of the bomber speculation threads and it got me thinking. I think the general balance of the game is supposed to shake out like this:


gunships beat bombers

bombers beat scouts

scouts beat gunships


Strike fighters are the generalists, able to hunt any other classes depending upon loadout.


Now I know what you're thinking. Gunships can pop scouts easily with one shot. Yes they certainly can if the scout is making a conspicuous target of itself by charging into the satellite which the gunship should be watching like a hawk to support his team.


What I am proposing is that scouts will no longer be the early objective grabbers. That roll will belong to strike fighters followed by bombers (both of whom can take a railgun blast without dying).


The scouts will be flying at oblique angles between the objectives looking for gunships.


Now bear in mind this is only speaking in the most general of terms and only concerns the opening moments of the one game mode we've seen thus far. Anything is possible, I'm just trying to work out Bioware's thoughts in how the four classes fit together.

Edited by RebekahWSD
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your theory is sound Rebekah, goes right in line with what i think about it... but on that note, i'm an odd scout pilot, i'm like a hornet, lol, i get up under the sat and attack anyone that gets near before they can get a fix on me, or at least that's the plan, it doesn't work all the time but most of the time i got it... but the way you put the roles is spot on with what i believe Bioware may have been thinking...
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your theory is sound Rebekah, goes right in line with what i think about it... but on that note, i'm an odd scout pilot, i'm like a hornet, lol, i get up under the sat and attack anyone that gets near before they can get a fix on me, or at least that's the plan, it doesn't work all the time but most of the time i got it... but the way you put the roles is spot on with what i believe Bioware may have been thinking...


Agreed, and I have a feeling that buzzing around the satellite is about to be a lot more dangerous with bombers around.


Of course, let us not forget this is for Domination only. There are strong indications that we will get several other modes out there where sat humping won't be an issue. At least we can only hope. :)

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I always thought it was supposed to be


gunships beat striker fighters

strike fighters beat scouts

scouts beat gunships


The major problem was with gunships using ion railgun to cripple strike fighters, and scouts beating them, there was really no role for strike fighters in the current game. I'm not sure what effect bombers are going to have, but it's probably not going to create a role for strike fighters unless there are other adjustments to the game as well.

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i knew it was a matter of time before they bring in the Bombers and put an end to my Hornet's Nest ways... but, if i have a Gunship watching the Sat from afar i'll feel better, and better still if Fighters were keeping that enemy Scout off of the GS popping Bombers headed for the Sat i'm under... of course you can bet i'd pop out and try to help finish off those Bombers before they drop their payload... :cool:
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What I am proposing is that scouts will no longer be the early objective grabbers. That roll will belong to strike fighters followed by bombers (both of whom can take a railgun blast without dying).
As long as coming first and sticking close to satelllites will reward fast and maneuvrable ships, scouts will still be there buzzing around satellites.

I can get why you'd think bombers will change the fact, but take into consideration that if they have the same speed and maneuvrability than a gunship, they may not like to be in close range like that, without forgetting that gunships and strike fighter will probably be able to treat them as easy-kills.


The major problem was with gunships using ion railgun to cripple strike fighters, and scouts beating them, there was really no role for strike fighters in the current game. I'm not sure what effect bombers are going to have, but it's probably not going to create a role for strike fighters unless there are other adjustments to the game as well.


I think bombers will be perfect targets for my Heavy laser + Proton Torpedo equipped Strike fighter. High range powerful weapons, against slow and un-elusive target.

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Well as we are all disagreeing. My opinion is.


Scout beats striker and GS

Striker beats bomber and GS

Bomber beats scout and anything that gets close

GS beats anything not attacking it.


Still too early. Bomber is still on the blocks, but that is my theory.


Recognize that any class can defeat any other class but certain classes are optimized to have a native advantage over others.

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I would like to believe that OP's theory pans out. Gun ship power has been significantly tweaked since open beta so maybe that might mesh well with whatever nerfing they've done to bombers.


Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of relegating my strike fighter to node guard duty. It'll be nice to have a bomber take over.


Going off on a tangent: I would really like it if they called the "bomber" something else more fitting to the role its obviously designed for. I can't think of any suggestions right now but if its not lobbing large explosive devices at a target it's not bombing.

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As long as coming first and sticking close to satelllites will reward fast and maneuvrable ships, scouts will still be there buzzing around satellites.

I can get why you'd think bombers will change the fact, but take into consideration that if they have the same speed and maneuvrability than a gunship, they may not like to be in close range like that, without forgetting that gunships and strike fighter will probably be able to treat them as easy-kills.




I think bombers will be perfect targets for my Heavy laser + Proton Torpedo equipped Strike fighter. High range powerful weapons, against slow and un-elusive target.


What I think the OP was getting at is that w/ Bombers deploying mines and drones, the space around a satellite might become too hostile for scouts to survive. This would mean that, after the initial rush to the satellites, the job of capturing satellites would fall to Strikes, since they would have the shields and hull to go in there and kill enemy bombers.

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I would like to believe that OP's theory pans out. Gun ship power has been significantly tweaked since open beta so maybe that might mesh well with whatever nerfing they've done to bombers.


Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of relegating my strike fighter to node guard duty. It'll be nice to have a bomber take over.


Going off on a tangent: I would really like it if they called the "bomber" something else more fitting to the role its obviously designed for. I can't think of any suggestions right now but if its not lobbing large explosive devices at a target it's not bombing.


Ship farming of doom ship. Sounds appropriate.

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What I think the OP was getting at is that w/ Bombers deploying mines and drones, the space around a satellite might become too hostile for scouts to survive. This would mean that, after the initial rush to the satellites, the job of capturing satellites would fall to Strikes, since they would have the shields and hull to go in there and kill enemy bombers.



This is exactly what I was saying, thank you.


Just to clarify: I have a Star Guard kitted out for speed that I find can get to the satellites fast enough to at least contest it from the scouts if not cap it. If I can keep the sat grey until the bombers make it in their ordinance will likely kill or scare off any scouts buzzing under the satellite.

Edited by RebekahWSD
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