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<VIS FATALIS> Imperial-PvP-PvE-Guild (Tomb of Freedon Nadd)


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Hi All good people of SWTOR,


We are an old die-hard guild on Tomb of Freedon Nadd that's been active in SWTOR since beta. We are a fraternal organization with members from all over EU and some even from farther away, so the guild language is English.


We enjoy both PvP and PvE side of the game and there are no restrictions from our part which you do more. However, we are recruiting purposefully and at this point we are looking for new members for the PvE side of the guild.


We will consider all classes that meet our requirements. Rather than believing in fotm classes we believe in exceptional skill. We expect our members to know and be able to switch between the different specializations.


We have been doing 1-2 days of OPS the last 4-5 months but will increase up to 3 days when new content comes out. We expect our members to use our OPS/Raid Calendar @ guild site and be able to organize their work/personal life so that they can attend OPS on set days. At the moment our OPS days are Mon & Wed from 1900 gmt +1 until 2200 gmt +1. Some of our altoholics are organizing alt runs on the off days whenever they can.


PvE wise we have cleared most of the content. With our 1-2 day schedule we haven't had the chance to clear all of the NiM bosses yet.


PvP wise I would consider us to be a strong and competitive.


One last thing before I add the link to where you can Apply to our guild.


We have a large group of people in the guild that do only PvP and won't even bother to answer if someone asks for stuff related to PvE (this applies vice versa of course as well). All that decide to apply need to be able to cope with that. Our average age is roughly 25+, we use occasionally strong language but most importantly we don't take kindly to attention seekers and those that can't sustain themselves in game.


If after all the above you still think we might be a group that you could find a common language and fit in then go ahead and check out our Rules of Engagement for a more detailed account of what we expect from our members and Apply Here


To all the rest, thanks for taking your time to read our Guild Recruitment post and see you in-game for all the fun stuff.

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