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The bomber sounds like a problem for everyone except gunships.


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I just read the Developer Update on the Bomber Class Starfighter. From the description it is going to be a pain for scouts and strikers, because as it says getting close to it will be a problem because of the mines. Sure it's slow and not maneuverable, but if the mines and everything else work like they say it does, it will be just another gunship type in the game.


But it won't really affect gunships since they stay at a distance anyway and can fire far. As if people needed another reason to play gunships.


I'm just not excited for this type of ship to be in GSF. It feels like we already have that in gunships and in my opinion they already detract enough from the fun more than they add to it. We don't need another sit and wait type of ship.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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I for one welcome our new bomber overlords :p


Seriously though I wasn't in the beta so I don't know how powerful they are (I assume they have been nerfed as I've read reports of their power in beta), however I don't mind devising new strategies on my scout to take them out. I would think they've been balanced by now...

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I trust the opinions of the beta testers and just hope they are not OP. Otherwise, from a tactical standpoint I welcome the bombers...especially for their repair capabilities, and hope gunships are too pre occupied by them to notice me hunting them down. They will be the true tanking class of GSF.
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I suppose the idea is that scouts will need to be more selective of their targets: going after the gunships thus protecting friendly bombers while they and the strike fighters hold the objectives.


Killing the bombers is the gunship's job. Killing the gunships is the scout's job.


My two cents.

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Bombers will only be a problem for strikers if they don't have s long range build. If you have any combination of concussion missiles, proton torpedos, or heavy lasers you should be well equipped to engage Bombers I believe.


Now If your rocking any other laser type with both ion or cluster missiles then yes you will have problems with Bombers.


Another point of balance is the bomber should be able to use LOS quite effectively to defend itself from any single GS.

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Bombers will only be a problem for strikers if they don't have s long range build. If you have any combination of concussion missiles, proton torpedos, or heavy lasers you should be well equipped to engage Bombers I believe.


Now If your rocking any other laser type with both ion or cluster missiles then yes you will have problems with Bombers.


Another point of balance is the bomber should be able to use LOS quite effectively to defend itself from any single GS.


I agree with this completely. I heard they are giving missile perks a boost, too. I'm pretty sure they are trying to encourage long range builds for Strikers and give them more of a reason to be played by top pilots.

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I just don't see how it is possible to design a ship like the bomber without having gunships be its natural counter. The bomber is a slow, beefy target without any apparent long-range options.


This doesn't mean you can't balance them so that scouts are viable too, but gunships will still have the comparative advantage.

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I agree with this completely. I heard they are giving missile perks a boost, too. I'm pretty sure they are trying to encourage long range builds for Strikers and give them more of a reason to be played by top pilots.


Ideally strikers can built for any range save GS range of course, I think that is the devs intention.


Where as scouts are short weapon range with limited long range weapons as a choice, long range scout weapons are not the equals of striker gear.


GS technically have every range but meet their most effectiveness at maximum and dead close. I'd like to maybe see a GS that trades away it's lasers completely and only has rail gun and missiles.


Bombers sound like their active range is short and medium.

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