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gunship: ion and slug or ion and plasma


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I love it when I see a gunship running with a plasma. It means they either don't have a slug that can oneshot me, or they don't have an ion that can lock me down while they shoot me with the slug. Either way, I win. :p


Honestly, you want Ion and Slug. Almost no reason to use a plasma at this point.

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Okay thanks. I smell a buff coming to plasma in the future...


I don't know if plasma needs much of a buff - gunships can still put up decent numbers with it. It's just that Slug is so insanely good (I'm hoping something gets nerfed so it at least can't one-shot scouts on a regular basis), and Ion is just so utterly broken right now (applying the full AOE debuff w/ just a tap needs to go die in a fire).

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Okay thanks. I smell a buff coming to plasma in the future...


So unlock Plasma's after you master the ship. :)


Progression doesn't stop until you have every component unlocked. I'm unlocking everything on my mastered ships, even components I can't see ever using, on the assumption that balance changes may alter the game in way that makes those components more useful.

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My first GS build was plasma/slug, just because I wanted to see which I liked better, I ended up ignoring slug and leveling plasma to the 2nd last tier before swapping in an effort to counter "the scout problem" on another player's advice who had lots more uptime than myself.


Now that I find myself with a maxed out slug, I want to get that last tier on my plasma, purely because with all this insane evasion going on, I want to prolong the pain as much as possible, and put a little panic out there since im missing half the shots anyhow.


I do notice fewer one shots, but not really a difference in score.


Ion slow effect + Plasma burn = mass panic, and of course the satisfaction of pyromania.


Since we all seem to smell a buff coming around the bend, might be a good time to try this one out.

I like switching my main gun up from time to time, and though this is the sole reason I do not have a maxed out GS yet, I am happy with my decision because tagging someone with plasma and watching them fly around like a headless chicken trying to figure out where the owch is coming from before the big pop just satisfies the sadistic bastard in me a little more than the boom.


I say, have fun, go plasma if it interests you.

Nobody else seems to like it around these parts, but I find it performs just as well, and feel everyone is just obsessed with a chance the crit will go off on slug and one shot a scout at some point, and really... meh.

I say, go ahead and try out the new flavor, it works, and it's fun.

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