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No ship-balance is ruining a otherwise good PVP


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For the last week, when I enter a GSF battle our imp side consist of 2-3 ship option players and the rep side consist of 4-5 ship option players.

They win -> gain more ship/fleet requisition points -> get better ships -> our side will never get a chance.


There need to be a balancing mechanism depending on spent ship/fleet requisition points, so the forces that meets have a interesting battle

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matchmaking is already ingame. Supposdly.


The reason youa rent seeing it is because there simply isnt enough people queueing for it to work. If it was on 24/7, then youd rarely ever get a queue pop.

I think I already replied to this in another thread, so my apologies in advance for repeating myself. Anyway:

I believe the matchmaking is either inactive now, or it's not working well. The reasons are "same faction exercises" - Imperial vs. Imperial and Republic vs. Republic - which (in my experience) usually end in utter destruction of one side. And while I agree that matchmaking cannot kick in in Imperial vs. Republic matches due to small player pool, it should be able to divide 16 people of the same faction in two at least roughly balanced groups.

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I rather doubt that good matchmaking is possible right now. What would your algorithm evaluate?


Ship upgrade level? Not that meaningful since you can have one mastered ship and the remainder completely free of upgrades. So even if you average the total requisition spent you're likely to be off.


Games played? Experience helps, but some people are slow learners, or just aren't particularly gifted when it comes to things like maintaining situational awareness.


Win loss record? So much depends on the rest of your team that this could be wildly inaccurate.


Queued as a group or solo? This has some merit, as a group is usually more likely to be effective than the same number of solo players, but this loses some predictive value now that people are learning that grouped queue get preference in terms of how soon you get into a battle.


Honestly, the way the queuing is set up right now if I were asked how to go about having more balanced space battles the first thing I'd recommend is changing how the queue works. If you were locked into a ship before the battle started it would be much easier to balance for gear differences, and you'd also have a better chance of having meaningful analysis of personal win/loss ratios, which can vary quite a lot depending on which ship is being flown.


The problem with locking ship selection before zoning in is that you can wind up with really screwed up ship role imbalance when the match starts.


I guess you could sort of scoop together everything, and hope that if you sort of average together a whole bunch of really bad predictors you wind up with a slightly less bad predictor, but I wouldn't be at all optimistic about function until after I saw it working.


If matchmaking balance was a goal for GS I think the developers shot themselves in the foot while designing for other considerations, and then for good measure shot themselves in the other foot.


However, as long as it doesn't poison the pool of new players, I think that it may be more or less ok once the majority of players are flying fully upgraded ships.


There is a reasonable argument for pure PvE gearing in ground PvP so that you can take advantage of bolster until you have a full set of PvP gear. If that's the balancing strategy for ground PvP, is it reasonable to expect a really elegant and effective balancing strategy for a space combat PvP game if the same people are designing it?


There is some reason for optimism though. As terrible as ground PvP balance is while gearing up, there's still plenty of ground PvP. Let's hope the same holds true for GS.


We can help, by giving newcomers friendly good advice, maybe flying wing with them during matches, and assuring them that it does get better with gearing and practice. Good community can mitigate a fair bit of suboptimal design.

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For the last week, when I enter a GSF battle our imp side consist of 2-3 ship option players and the rep side consist of 4-5 ship option players.

They win -> gain more ship/fleet requisition points -> get better ships -> our side will never get a chance.


There need to be a balancing mechanism depending on spent ship/fleet requisition points, so the forces that meets have a interesting battle


Premades are what ruin it. I was sick from work yesterday so I got to play earlier in the day than usual and I was mopping up against repbulic on Shadowlands.


I've added certain pub players to my friends list and I don't Q when they're on. It's not that the individuals are such great players, it's that they coordinate in voice chat with other players in their premade. They also ONLY play as gunships.

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For the last week, when I enter a GSF battle our imp side consist of 2-3 ship option players and the rep side consist of 4-5 ship option players.

They win -> gain more ship/fleet requisition points -> get better ships -> our side will never get a chance.


There need to be a balancing mechanism depending on spent ship/fleet requisition points, so the forces that meets have a interesting battle


on one of my republic characters, i had started playing GSF for the first time for that character and never died with the zero-upgrade nova dive. normally i always get killed by people who just don't stop chasing me, i'm out of fuel, and there are no friendlies around. but that one time i had a well-organized team that was more or less equal in upgrades to the other. the enemy team was so disorganized that i was able to survive. the point is that the upgrades make little difference when an experienced team of weak fighters is traveling in one big clump and fighting lone wolfs with maxed out ships. as for the 'never getting a chance' thing, even if you lose, you still get a little bit, combine that with dailies, weeklies, and personal performance, you will eventually get a top-tier ship like them. also, if the enemy wants a new ship when GSF is available for everyone, they will have to start fresh.

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