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How well can DPS specced Jugs guard in PvP?


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Im a lvl 20 immortal jugg who has leveled primarily through PvP and class quests, whilst i am liking being immortal so far and love the tanking aspects to pvp, i would like to try out how much damage i can pull and maybe start to get some more kills in warzones. However i dont want to leave people unprotected so would ideally like to switch to sorensu form in some circumstances and throw guard on teamates.


Would i just get squished if i was veng or rage specced? am i wanting best of both world by wanting to be able to kill and help friends live?:p

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I wouldn't advise keeping guard up all the time if you're going in dps spec, just use it sensibly when certain people need it.


I was Immortal from 10 to 35 and loved it in PvP but with the leveling starting to slow down it was beginning to drag for the pve leveling side of things so i switched to Rage spec last night to try something different. Went from usually being in the lower half of the damage counter in matches to either first or close to it each match, the difference in damage is night and day and certainly makes up for losing the survivability. The enemy doesnt expect 4k crits from a Juggernaut :p


Will be switching back to Immortal at 50 though as most of my guild are playing healers and DPS.

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