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I love galactic starfighter. Can I make a suggestion for future missions.


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I think you should escort mission and other types of base defending as well. How about a fight and land then escape mission.


Don't get me wrong, I love Starfighter. Just wanted add some suggestions.


"Escort mission" them be conflict words for some people. Anyone who hears escort mission and thinks of Dumb AI shuttles is going to have a rage-on.


However if it was escorting a capital ship that only flies a straight line, basically a ticking clock. But this capital ship has lots of guns and shoots anything within 500m with impressive amounts of laser fire, then you have my attention.


so how would I like a Capital escort mission to go:


1. ship puts out mass but short range(500m) fire, this encourages long range builds like protorps, concussion missiles, rocket pods, and heavy lasers. any short ranged build either attacks defending starfighters or must do high speed slashing attacks.

2. ship is divided into 4 types of hardpoints

- engines that accelerate the ship making it go faster and faster but destroying them buys the attackers more time, however the ship never come to complete stop.

- anti-fighter weapons attackers can take these out making it easyer to attack the ship

- shield gererators, buffs all hardpoints with shields.

- ship to ship weapons or vital components, basically the ships health and the only parts that actually need to be destroyed for victory. however vital components should receive much stronger shielding then the other 3 component types.

3. capital ship flies to objective passing various hazards which could include defenses that support the attackers, these defenses would be excellent for the defender scouts to take out before the battle moves under their fire.

4. Capital ship may be required to perform it's objective when it arrives and loss of vital components additionally slow it's ability to perform it's objective.

5. Capital ships objective could be a retreating corvette or frigate that will fire back at the capital if the escorts do not cripple the objectives weapons, also escorts could cripple objectives engines to speed up their capital ships overtaking.

6. there could be a different map where republic has the capital and one where imperial has the capital. Each map is one match, so it wouldn't be like voidstar where each team takes turns atacking and defending.

7. victory for the capital force is when the target(frigate or corvette) is destroyed by the capital. Victory for the target force is if the capital ship(Cruiser or star destroyer) fails to deal enough damage to the target before it escapes into hyperspace.

8. the capital would natively have more starting speed then the frigate, such that no matter what the capital overtakes the frigate. Therfore simply destroying the capitals engines does not make victory.

9. if the Capital is overtaking the frigate the capital could have both forward and broadside weapons, where the broadsides are much more powerful then the forwards. If the capitals engines are cripples but the frigates are not then the broadside weapons(vital component) do not ever get a shot on the frigate.

10. to prevent match form becoming non objective starfighter death match, an unmolested Capital ship will take out the frigate if the frigates escorts do not attack the capital. conversely if the capital does take enough damage the frigate escapes, so the capital escorts must try and slow the escort and/or cripple the escorts weapons that target the capital.

11. ships would have two types of weapons

- anti-starfighter will not target anything but player ships

- ship to ship the only weapon that can destroy the frigate, or the only weapon on the frigate that can attack vital components on the capital. Ship to ship would ignore player ships


I know that all sounds immensely complicated but I'm trying to think up something that makes for many roles to exist. As maps are random que, you will not necessarily have a the right build on your ship for assaulting heavy targets, so other roles must exist for you to have value in the match.

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I think you should escort mission and other types of base defending as well. How about a fight and land then escape mission.


Don't get me wrong, I love Starfighter. Just wanted add some suggestions.


I was thinking about this. How about "Capital Ship vs Capital Ship". We're play the squadrons from the capital ship... and the side that destroys the other capital ship first... wins :)



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"Escort mission" them be conflict words for some people. Anyone who hears escort mission and thinks of Dumb AI shuttles is going to have a rage-on.


However if it was escorting a capital ship that only flies a straight line, basically a ticking clock. But this capital ship has lots of guns and shoots anything within 500m with impressive amounts of laser fire, then you have my attention.


so how would I like a Capital escort mission to go:


1. ship puts out mass but short range(500m) fire, this encourages long range builds like protorps, concussion missiles, rocket pods, and heavy lasers. any short ranged build either attacks defending starfighters or must do high speed slashing attacks.

2. ship is divided into 4 types of hardpoints

- engines that accelerate the ship making it go faster and faster but destroying them buys the attackers more time, however the ship never come to complete stop.

- anti-fighter weapons attackers can take these out making it easyer to attack the ship

- shield gererators, buffs all hardpoints with shields.

- ship to ship weapons or vital components, basically the ships health and the only parts that actually need to be destroyed for victory. however vital components should receive much stronger shielding then the other 3 component types.

3. capital ship flies to objective passing various hazards which could include defenses that support the attackers, these defenses would be excellent for the defender scouts to take out before the battle moves under their fire.

4. Capital ship may be required to perform it's objective when it arrives and loss of vital components additionally slow it's ability to perform it's objective.

5. Capital ships objective could be a retreating corvette or frigate that will fire back at the capital if the escorts do not cripple the objectives weapons, also escorts could cripple objectives engines to speed up their capital ships overtaking.

6. there could be a different map where republic has the capital and one where imperial has the capital. Each map is one match, so it wouldn't be like voidstar where each team takes turns atacking and defending.

7. victory for the capital force is when the target(frigate or corvette) is destroyed by the capital. Victory for the target force is if the capital ship(Cruiser or star destroyer) fails to deal enough damage to the target before it escapes into hyperspace.

8. the capital would natively have more starting speed then the frigate, such that no matter what the capital overtakes the frigate. Therfore simply destroying the capitals engines does not make victory.

9. if the Capital is overtaking the frigate the capital could have both forward and broadside weapons, where the broadsides are much more powerful then the forwards. If the capitals engines are cripples but the frigates are not then the broadside weapons(vital component) do not ever get a shot on the frigate.

10. to prevent match form becoming non objective starfighter death match, an unmolested Capital ship will take out the frigate if the frigates escorts do not attack the capital. conversely if the capital does take enough damage the frigate escapes, so the capital escorts must try and slow the escort and/or cripple the escorts weapons that target the capital.

11. ships would have two types of weapons

- anti-starfighter will not target anything but player ships

- ship to ship the only weapon that can destroy the frigate, or the only weapon on the frigate that can attack vital components on the capital. Ship to ship would ignore player ships


I know that all sounds immensely complicated but I'm trying to think up something that makes for many roles to exist. As maps are random que, you will not necessarily have a the right build on your ship for assaulting heavy targets, so other roles must exist for you to have value in the match.


what you put is more or less bang on mark.



even if they just braught in the defending a capital ship type thing would be amazing and i would be happy, theres so many ways to take GSF forward with less conflicting class balence issues, instead of balencing multiple builds of multiple classes just the 4 ship types :) could be interested 2014.

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Death match, Death match!


Simple and to the point.

Que everyone as solo and then will see who the Aces are!


12 vs. 12 or 16 vs. 16 would do.


how would that help? one thing we seen currently is death match in ground pvp (arenas) is a wasted resource because majority are already bored of arenas and same would be with deathmatch in space pvp.


Not signed for that reason, wasted resources.

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Death match, Death match!


Simple and to the point.

Que everyone as solo and then will see who the Aces are!


12 vs. 12 or 16 vs. 16 would do.


it's not going to be more then 12 v 12. that is the maximum the code engine can support. Besides, star wars lore says a squadron is 12 ships.

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