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WoW or Swtor?


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Perfect timing? WOW was released in the midst of the EQ and SW:G eras. Both were very successful games and at the top of the food chain in the MMORPG world at the time. People tend to forget WOW's very rough start. It's not as if the stars suddenly aligned and WOW became what it is today. It had a following from the RTS world as Warcraft was a franchise that got its start as a strategy game, but not millions of subscribers worth. The reason WOW was/is still such a success is because Blizzard is a top-notch developer. After partnering with ActiVision, their direction slightly changed, however, they are still focused on delivering the best possible game experience to the consumer. That's the reason that whatever their next MMORPG is, it will eventually become as successful as WOW. They're just really good at what they do.


SW:TOR can attribute its success (mostly) to the fact that it's freaking STAR WARS. Star Wars is amazing, everyone knows that! :) I can almost guarantee that no one plays SW:TOR because it was developed by BioWare/EA. EA has already massacred a Star Wars MMORPG, and I say that because of the huge disappointment SW:G ended up post-CU. BioWare has a slightly better repertoire than EA, as they were the people who brought us KOTOR. SW:TOR is basically KOTOR with the option to play online. Aside from questing, SW:TOR is nothing special; it has ridiculous load times, clunky/awkward combat, very linear questing (there's not a lot of choice where you level, where WOW offers many different zones of the same level), mobs spawn on you almost as quickly as you kill them at times, making running back to your mission giver frustrating, among other things. That's not to say WOW is without its issues, I'm just really taken aback by the people claiming WOW is "nothing special" or "average".


There's a reason people left WOW for SW:TOR in droves when it launched and that eventually most came back.


EDIT: I want to make it clear that I really enjoy both games. They both have strengths and weaknesses, with *in my opinion* SW:TOR having more weaknesses. However, most of those can be overlooked due to the fact that, again, it's freaking STAR WARS.


I hadn't realized SWG was out before WoW.


By the time I tried WoW, I had played many different MMOs and while WoW was decent and polished, there was nothing that stood out as being particularly unique or better. It plays very similarly to games that came before it, and other games that came after (rest in peace CoX) were far more innovative. There just wasn't any kind of hook to keep me interested. So yes, the leveling experience was average compared to other games I've played. Average isn't bad. Hell, I survived a month of Matrix Online :p If I were a raider I might well feel differently since most of the rabid raiders all seem to have come from WoW.

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TBH I've played many MMOs over the years and just never could get into WoW and, I'll admit that SWTOR does indeed have it's problems and some are more frequent or maddening then others I've encountered in other games, I've yet to play any MMO that didn't have at least some glitches/bugs though.


Still, even with all of that, I find myself forgiving them more then I probably should however mostly because, as others have pointed out, leveling in this game's actually fun instead of something you just have to get through. I also can't even imagine going back to those ******* text boxes in the other games anymore either.


Don't know if it's just me and my ADHD acting up but I have never read those things (and probably never will) so questing in those games always got reduced to "click through to get the mission" and only caring about the objective sitting somewhere on my screen.


With SWTOR though, not only do I still find myself pausing my movie/turning off the music in order to watch what's going on in the game, but there has actually been some points where I have almost fallen out of my chair laughing, yelled at the screen and once or twice I've been even outright creeped out because of something that happens during the storylines (both class and planetary).


Here playing SWTOR, I also find my characters actually developing a "personality" that affect the dialog choices that I make which is still making those quests interesting despite repetition because of the variations. (EX: my male human scoundrel with a heart of gold had very different reactions to things then my little mercenary and greed-driven miralan female gunslinger.)


Frankly? I really don't usually have that kind of reaction to a game (MMO or not) so for me? Yeah. SWTOR because I just can't go back to those ********** text boxes and my only connection to my character and what they're doing being how they look. .:cool:

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WOW and other MMO's have nothing to offer me. Ugly characters, dated graphics, emphasis completely on combat and upgrading your equipment to be better at combat, weak stories if any, npcs have the depth of a puddle and are as interesting as lukewarm tap water.


I play games for story, characters, defining my character through choices and role playing (through the game, not with other people through text), character customization, lore, intrigue, interesting locations and npcs, love the voiced protagonist, etc...SWtOR is the only MMO I have ever liked because it is the only MMO that delivers the things I like.

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Dated graphics???

Yes the toons themselves are dated and a bit cartoonish... the toons themselves, are being updated with the next expansion, hopefully for the better. But the toons graphics are not a clear win for SWToR, not when it comes to outfitting them. My Sage still looks like a cow in her robes, and the dye choices only color 2 of 3 making it difficult to get your own best look. Of course we settle for best look available, and I am happy with my toons here. In WoW, I can transmog my gear, and get some pretty good best available gear sets also. Up close, WoW toons are rough, but back off at distance where we all play our toons, a WoW toon looks just about as good as a SWToR toon.


When it comes to landscape graphics, I think WoW actually wins that. Even though WoW landscapes tend to suffer from outdated, the variety is by far a clear win. High Mountain Waterfalls, Lush Forrests, and because you can swim, great underwater scenes. SWToR, by the time you finish Taris, you've seen it all.


The graphics are not a clear win for SWTor.


Voice or Text?

First couple times I leveled toons, I did enjoy the voice acting. Honestly, most of us spacebar now, whether it's WoW or SWToR. Be honest, when was the last time you didn't spacebar Esseles or Black Talon.


Class Stories?

Same as above... level up your toon, the class story ends. Obviously it's a good story, some better than others, and all better than most of what WoW offered... but it ends, not to be continued.


No, I'm not defending WoW, or abusing SWToR... WoW has 7 million subs, it doesn't need defending. SWToR is basically KoToR, and some of our toons get lightsabers.


The problems with SWToR are just as numerous. Dec2011 I wanted to play a gunslinger... but as quick as I figured out most of the gunslinger abilities were tied to cover, well that toon made it to 12 and has been my mail mule since. MY vanguard carries a rifle, while my commando carries a assault cannon... backwards. My sage carries a lightsaber, without an ability tied to the keybinds... it's a stat stick, might as well be a staff. My guardian should have the doubleblade, my Shadow should be duel wielding short blades, and my Sentinal should have more force powers and a single blade... and none of them should toss pebbles. Has anyone ever fired a doublebarrel sawed off shotgun with one hand, and the off-hand at that... seriously, it hurts.

How did bounty hunters become tied to the Empire, when they're basically the target rich side... Agents are great... why can't the Pub side play SiS... Same thing, why can't the Empire play it's own troopers.


Companions, actually I do enjoy this feature, but it's minor... We've got up to 7, we really use 1. The others are mules tied to crafting, of which most of the 6 crafts are almost irrelevant to the game.


Lightside or darkside, it's a choice you can make, that makes no nevermind... touchy feel vampires makes no nevermind... it is not the lore, to be a darkside Jedi serving the Council, and you can't be nice, and crazed with rage at the same time... game mechanics yes, lore no. The Jedi fight wars to chase down dark jedi. You go dark, and watch the Jedi come for you... 10000 years ago, or Episode VII... they're coming. Mace Windu didn't wait 10 minutes after learning of Palpatine being Sidious... Yoda did a job at the Temple, then straight for Sidious... no tolerance. Enslave a planet, or outright destroy it... one of those a lightside choice really?


So, backing up, yes I intend to maintain my SWToR sub... but I did this morning renew my WoW sub... yes I am interested in taking my 90s to 100, I do want to see this new feature coming Garrisons... basically, alot of new content is coming, just not with lightsabers. Gotta catch up with tuning my toons for the WoD.


Longterm, well WoW is old, but it's still the crown jewel in Blizz's operation, whereas SWToR may not even rank as a jewel in EA's ops. SwToR is living on the Cartel Market, and that worries me. The CC has already used most items from the KotoRs, only so many colors for crystals, only so many times they can re-color items... note the latest Packs don't compare to the early Packs. Those of us that want a skimpy suit for Kira already have it.

Not to argue with the fanbois, but chances are good WoW outlives SWToR.


Obviously give BW/EA 5 more years, and SWToR may well have more features than WoW... WoW's has a what 8 year headstart... but this is now, and even a dumbed down WoW has 7 million subs, saying it sucks doesn't save SWToR from being small in every comparison, expect maybe grapics and voice acting.


WoW does have a couple positives... it's questing is not nearly as linear as SWToR... and it Phases... many zones change after you've accomplished the main quest goals... that alone makes more difference than lightside or darkside choices... I get it, the Empire wins Makeib... so explain to me why the Republic doesn't go back enforce and take it back. Real choices, there are none. Fishing, cooking, firstaid, archeology, events for most of the holidays, not just Lifeday... just more to do.


Yes, I do enjoy GSF... too bad it's a time sink not actually advancing your toon, beyond trivial creds... even the old space on rails gave me reputation, which got my first adaptive gear.. now SWToR just gives you 4 free sets of adaptive... not that Synthweaving or Armormech isn't already just about augments.


So, when my toons are 100, and WoW turns back into the grindfest, I hope SWToR is expanded, and I can take my 55s to 60.

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