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Annihilation Questions


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Hey folks, so I've been focusing alot on my marauder lately and I had some questions about annihilation:

1) Is it a good idea to open with frenzy + berserk? (with 3 stacks of saber ofc)

2) I saw on the 2.4 Dps leaderboards (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=685275), all the anni players had annihilate as their most % dmg, when I parse I usually have deadly saber ticks as the most, but a few times I had annihilate when I concentrated on using it right away on cd. Both times the dps was around the same. Is this something I should improve on?

3) I tend to saber strike/auto attack a few times to get rage to annihilate - is this indicative of poor rage management? Or is using saber strike a few times ok.

4) I have a habit of using force charge with deadly saber since they're the same cd - good or bad habit?

5) How often do you guys use force scream? I haven't been using it while parsing but sometimes in raids I do use it.

Sorry for the specific questions, I've just become really serious about cleaning up my mara play and I want to excel at it. I will focus on learning carnage + rage, but my set has stats for anni so that's a future project and I wasn't too comfortable using it at first.

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Hey folks, so I've been focusing alot on my marauder lately and I had some questions about annihilation:

1) Is it a good idea to open with frenzy + berserk? (with 3 stacks of saber ofc)

I would go with Bloodthirst in the opener. Or if you naturally have 30 stacks of fury, Berserk and Bloodthirst.


2) I saw on the 2.4 Dps leaderboards (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=685275), all the anni players had annihilate as their most % dmg, when I parse I usually have deadly saber ticks as the most, but a few times I had annihilate when I concentrated on using it right away on cd. Both times the dps was around the same. Is this something I should improve on?

Annihilate being top damage is based on how lucky crits are. If they aren't dreadful (lets say an even split between MH and OH crit, and total crits are no less than 5% behind your total crit %) Annihilate should be top. But from parse to parse it or DS switch for top. But you want to focus on using DS and Annihilate on CD.


3) I tend to saber strike/auto attack a few times to get rage to annihilate - is this indicative of poor rage management? Or is using saber strike a few times ok.

If you are using it when Annihilate is on CD, have other Rage Builders on CD, and don't go over 12 Rage that is good. Marauders use their Auto attack a lot in Carnage and Annihilation, so using it isn't bad.


4) I have a habit of using force charge with deadly saber since they're the same cd - good or bad habit?

As long as it doesn't make you delay either of them when they are off CD.

5) How often do you guys use force scream? I haven't been using it while parsing but sometimes in raids I do use it.

Unless I am chasing a boss I can't hit with a Melee Attack (or an attack with range like Vicious Throw or Dual Saber Throw) and don't mind wasting Rage, no. Force Scream shouldn't be used by Annihilation due to the poor damage and large Rage Cost.


Sorry for the specific questions, I've just become really serious about cleaning up my mara play and I want to excel at it. I will focus on learning carnage + rage, but my set has stats for anni so that's a future project and I wasn't too comfortable using it at first.

Good luck and I hope this helped.

Answers in red.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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