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Best in pvp for each class?


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So while waiting for a queue pop a thought came to mind.. which player is the best at the class they play? So I compiled a list to whom I they are. Feel free to make your own :)

Sentinel/Marauder: Aroka

Guardian/Juggernaut: I don't really know a ton 0.o

Vanguard/Powertech: Urdnoughtshepard

Sage/Sorc: Lolermelon for them los!

Commando/Merc: I would say Og but I never see him anymore.

Scoundrel/Op: Sev'row

Assassin/Shadow: Zuhara

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These threads are always amusing the reason you don't see them is because most are taken down due to flames on peoples choices.


First thing to consider is are you talking about best in class now or on the server since it began and who had the best run and made the most impact for their time played as that class?


I mean OG doesn't play from what I've seen so we can't say he's best in class now but I would put him on a list of best for when he did play. Merc and Commando there have been a few good ones come and go I'd say Daz has been doing it the longest at a high level


Sevrow was one of the best before he left then he heard his old class was getting a buff and he's back ;).

You'll likely see alot of the old ones back with the buff.


The best Sorc ever no longer plays Althania,


Best Jugg/Guardian I would say have moved or rarely play there was a lot of them but it is a powerfull class DPS wise so how much is skill and how much is gear/talents is up for debate. Flux always gets my vote for being one of the best tanks he had skill.


Mara/Sentinel there have been a lot but Wrecks has always been the one who has been a constant and played well the others have come and gone and were good at one thing but not the best at being objective and dps.


Shadow/Sin I would say Tyrosine and Consular .


I like Defense as a Powertech he still plays but only in a PVE enviornment from what i have seen but was a very good powertech .

Edited by Devinia-Hex
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