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Looking for guild


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A little about me. I am an older MMOer. I have played various titles to high end games. I believe in player responsibility. IE. Researching your class mechanics and role responsibilities. I am very independent in this regard, but I have also been held to "Guild Builds" before with no complaint. (I have even helped craft these from time to time). I am a recent returning player. To be honest, I feel I never really gave this game a chance. I purchased it at release and played it about a month, maybe two. I was so let down by the "Star Fox" space combat that I left to play other games. I have heard about the new release and it attracted me back to the game. It happened at a very opportune time, because I was growing tired of my recent game. While the new space combat did attract me back to the game, I do fully intend to immerse myself in all aspects of the game. Namely, PvP and group PvE.


I am looking for a guild that has a diverse focus in each of these and that is welcoming returning players. Being an Adult, I enjoy adult humor and conversation. While I can maintain a PG conversation, I wouldn't always want to be bound to this requirement. Voice comm is very acceptable.


I have always enjoyed Heal and Tank roles. I have a Lvl 41 PT BH and a lvl 26 sorc (All Imp.). I am leaning to leveling the Sorc up to 55, but I am still undecided. I do enjoy the BH, I just find it a little easier to heal first go around than tank.


If I sound like a good fit for your guild and someone who can progress with your "alts" or whatever, let me know. I play nightly, central U.S time around 7 (give or take a few.)

Edited by Gypsea
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Tatooine Uranus is a casual guild recruiting players of all classes and levels. 10% Bonus. We do both PvP and PvE (The guild consist of 2 subgroups, each of them focusing on PvP and PvE). We have a website to organize Ops and PvP events, we also have a decently sized Teamspeak server.

We also have a Pub side guild as well.


If you're interested in joining or have more questions feel free to send me a PM on the forums or a whisper in-game.

You can reach me on the following toons:



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Thank you for the responses. At this time I am going to stay focused on Imp side. This is the first game that I have played the "bad guy" and I am going to stick to that decision I made way back then. Migeto, I will send you a wspr in game in about an hour. Again, thanks for the response!


If I can't get you Migeto, look for either Darkhumor (41 PT BH) or Cin'phul (26 Sorc) in game.

Edited by Gypsea
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Sith Imperial Navy is a mature, relaxed, moderate guild that allows it members the opportunity to experience all endgame content. While we are very much a "RL comes first" guild we continually work on progression and welcome all players that wish to partake in all endgame content but have school, work and family obligations that prevent them from joining a more "Hardcore" guild.


We are currently having an open recruitment for all roles and classes.


Guild Highlights.


Pre-launch Guild with stable and approachable leadership.

Mumble Server



Weekly Operations Monday to Friday starting at 9pm ending at 12am.

Regular PvP / GSF Groups / Flashpoints

Achievement/Datacon Runs

Skilled membership that is willing and able to teach/mentor less experienced players.


For more information contact Zadeus, Vexaran, Hryst, Maaxxen, Nam'zari, Blaz, or Solindre in-game or leave a message on our website.

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