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Remove the Warzone base barriers or fix the Deserters Detection thingy


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Hi Im annoyed because most of times I get to enter a Warzone is when the match already started or so, and every time while my game hasn't finished loading the game my D.D. counter is already running and when I finally can move in game the clock is already 10 seconds before I get kicked from the WZ and the forcefield is always up so I cant run to remove my clock, why don you at least just make the deserter's detection clock to start counting after your toon hasn't moved for some seconds inside the base and you remove it if he starts moving because I get kicked on 90% of the WZ I get in for this...

Or simply just fix it so it starts counting when I can actually see my toon on the map already.

Or let the first time you get in the middle of a WZ the ability to bypass the forcefield.

Whatever you do to fix it its good just please do it soon... its a pain to keep queueing for WZs just to be kicked as soon as you get in... x____x

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