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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LF a Tank (any class) to join our progression group


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As it says we are looking for a tank for our progression group. Must be able to raid Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10pm (est) to 1am (est), be lvl 55, and use ts3.


We are a group of mature people that like to joke around and discuss anything that comes to mind, yet stay on track with raids. We are not a bunch of drunks or stoners, we just keep late hours.


If this is for you please me know either through in game mail or a message through the forums here... or just apply online at the website in my sig.

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Hello sir, I know how tough it can be getting new members when others fall. I am the GM of Exceptional Legion and cannot join your progression team, but I could sub in every Monday until you find yourself that perm tank you want. I could bring any of the 3 classes to compliment what you have, and only offer this as a jump start to keep your team going until you find that real team member. It can be bad for teams to not have anything to do while searching for new additions so if you find yourself stuck a message on our site's activity wall will pretty much be instantly followed up. If I don't see it, one of my guys will and text me, so just let me know if you ever need a pug Mondays!
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