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Concealment "Shadow Operative Elite" evasion proc doesn't cleanse Madness dots


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Same goes for the scrapper scoundrel's "Slippery Devil."


The ability procs evasion which cleanses all dots, but it doesn't cleanse Madness Sorc/Sin dots like Affliction, Creeping Terror or Lightning Discharge. When Madness was (stupidly) given the talent to make their dots uncleansable, there was a stipulation that the dots could still be removed by major defensive cooldowns such as Force Barrier, Force Shroud and Evasion.


The normal, 1 minute cooldown Evasion still cleanses the dot. The Concealment proc'd one does not.


Is this a bug, or intended design?


I sincerely hope it is the former. Concealment/Scrapper is in such a horrid place for PvP, "Shadow Operative Elite" is already a pretty terrible talent and they really need everything they can get.

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