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<Tranquility> Owners of TORPARSE is recruiting


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<Tranquility> We have been active since launch. We are also the owners of TorPARSE. We have a 50-person Teamspeak server, guild bank, rep bonuses, and all that other fun stuff. We are recruiting members for PVE, PVP, Starfighter, and just goofing around. We currently have two active raid groups: Wed, Sun, Mon from 9:30-12 and Tues, Thurs from 8-11. We would also be more than willing to start another group if enough people are interested.

Visit our website: http://tranquilitytor.swtornow.com/

If you have any questions or concerns please contact one of our officers: Charlz, Randyfett, Blockhead, Gobien, Zicidantus, Tehito

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