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Looking for "Terin" on Jedi Covenant, please help!


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This may seem like extreme lengths to go for a name, but it is what it is. I have never once seen the player with the name "Terin" log on, but I'm hoping, perhaps, a fellow forum-goer here maybe has? Perhaps it's someone's alt that you know, or even your own?


Frankly, I'm interested in getting the name back, for personal reasons. If you know the player who has the name, I'd be more than happy to try to work some sort of trade out to reacquire it, and obviously I'd cover the name-change itself, as well (that is, assuming the name-change token can be traded? I've never checked).


If you or the player is *not* interested, then that's perfectly fine, too; Granted, the name means something special to me, but I can respect if someone else is truly attached to the name, as well; I'd just like to k\now, so that I don't keep spending hours spamming General-chat, looking for the player.

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