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Character Select Screen Favors Full Unification


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Hey all, I'm encountering a bug here with the Unify Colors option and the Character Select screen. I have the Restored Triumvirate set of gear in collections (my only full set of collections-unlocked armor) and I use it on several of my characters to designate crew skill, and rank. It just so happens that two of my characters are maxed in slicing (full gold gear) and also have their own maxed crew skill (for which I gave them a green head for one and a purple head for the other).


I had this issue on the first character I tried this on, where the Character Select screen would try to unify everything to chest, including the different helmet. When I actually logged into the character he did indeed have a golden torso/hands/belt/pants/boots and a green head, but when I logged back out it still showed gold on the select screen. By whatever craziness I ended up 'teaching' the system to realize that I had separate color headpiece. Something like logging on, unequipping the chestpiece and headpiece, logging off, logging on and equipping the chestpiece and unifying, logging off, logging on and equipping the headpiece, logging off...


It was some crazy combination like that. Anyways I have the second character in a similar position but can't replicate whatever ridiculous workaround I managed last time, but this is pretty clearly a bug. Essentially no matter how your Unify slots are set up, it always seems to unify everything to chest, even if you have no unify slots selected.



I've run several tests already, but I'll run very specific ones now and make notations of each. This should come in handy.


  1. Unequipped all gear.
  2. Logged off.
  3. Logged on.
  4. Spawns all six pieces of Restored Triumvirate armor from collections, equips all but the head (so this is new armor).
  5. Deletes Restored Triumvirate helmet.
  6. Equips Hooligan's Headgear from cargo bay (so this headpiece is older than the chest).
  7. Logs off.
  8. Headpiece is unified to chest.
  9. Logs on.
  10. Headpiece is still not unified in actual game.
  11. Unequips Restored Triumvirate chestpiece.
  12. Logs off.
  13. Headpiece is not unified to anything.
  14. Logs on.
  15. Unequips all Restored Triumvirate gear, deletes it.
  16. Unequips Hooligan's Headgear.
  17. Spawns new Restored Triumvirate gear, deletes all but the headpiece.
  18. Puts together a random set from cargo bay, chestpiece/gloves/belt/pants/boots.
  19. Equips new Restored Triumvirate helmet.
  20. Logs off.
  21. Restored Triumvirate helmet is unified.
  22. Logs on.
  23. Nothing is unified (exactly as I left it).
  24. Logs off.

At this point I have tested something. I know that merely the age of a piece of gear is not the determining factor in the unification. I also know that the preview is independent of the previous preview (as shown when no chestpiece was equipped, so too was there no unification). Now I will test to see whether the time of equipping is the cause.

  1. Logs on.
  2. Unequipped all gear.
  3. Logs off.
  4. Logs on.\
  5. Spawns full Restored Triumvirate set, equips all but the head (does not delete head so that it can be used in future testing)
  6. Equips old Hooligan's Headgear.
  7. Logs off.
  8. Headpiece is unified.
  9. Logs on.
  10. Nothing is unified (just as I left it).
  11. Unequips headpiece and chestpiece.
  12. Equips Hooligan's Headgear.
  13. Equips Restored Triumvirate chestpiece.
  14. Logs off.
  15. Headpiece is unified on character selection screen.
  16. Logs on.
  17. Nothing is unified (again, just as I left it).
  18. Unequips headpiece and chestpiece.
  19. Equips Makeb Assault Armor (chestpiece) and Restored Triumvirate helmet.
  20. Logs off.
  21. Helmet is unified in character selection screen.
  22. Logs on.
  23. Nothing is unified ingame (as expected).
  24. Unequips headpiece and chestpiece.
  25. Equips Restored Triumvirate helmet and Makeb Assault Armor (chestpiece).
  26. Logs off.
  27. Headpiece is unified to chestpiece in character selection screen.
  28. Logs on.
  29. Once again, nothing ingame is unified.
  30. Logs off.

At this point I have deciphered that the order in which these items are equipped is also not the cause. At this point you might start to wonder why I think this is even possible. Link to the green-helmet character. That's why I know it's possible. I know that I've done it before, I just can't seem to do it again (and regardless, it's still a bug). I do know that when I did fix it, it almost felt like I needed to 'prove' everything first in order for it to 'discover' that it shouldn't unify. I'll try what I can and see if anything happens. At this point I will also be using the gear I want to have it work with, in the case that it actually does end up working.

  1. Logs on.
  2. Unequips all gear
  3. Equips full Restored Triumvirate gear set. Chestpiece has Primary Orange dye module, and headpiece has a Primary Purple dye module. Nothing is unified at this point, so the other four pieces are still silver.
  4. Logs off.
  5. Headpiece is unified on the selection screen (to gold (orange)).
  6. Logs on.
  7. Nothing is unified ingame.
  8. Unequips chestpiece.
  9. Logs off.
  10. Headpiece is purple on the selection screen, this is good.
  11. Logs on.
  12. Equips chestpiece.
  13. Logs off.
  14. Headpiece is unified on selection screen. So that didn't work.
  15. Logs on.
  16. Unequips headpiece.
  17. Unifies all colors.
  18. Equips headpiece.
  19. Logs off.
  20. Head is gold on the selection screen.
  21. Logs in.
  22. Head is purple ingame.
  23. Unequips chestpiece.
  24. Logs off.
  25. Headpiece is purple (this was assumed to be the case, just 'resetting' it).
  26. Logs on.
  27. Equips chestpiece. Manually clicks the 'unify' box for the gloves, belt, pants and boots.
  28. Logs off.
  29. Head is still gold.
  30. Logs on.
  31. Clicks 'hide head slot'
  32. Logs off.
  33. Helmet does not appear on the select screen. This was also assumed to be the case.
  34. Logs back on.
  35. Unchecks the 'hide head slot' button.
  36. Logs off.
  37. Head is gold.
  38. Clicks another character on the select screen, clicks back to our character. Head is still gold.
  39. Logs in.
  40. Unequips all gear.
  41. Re-equips all gear.
  42. Logs off.
  43. Head is gold.
  44. Logs on.
  45. Unequips head and chest.
  46. Equips head and chest.
  47. Unifies all colors.
  48. Logs off.
  49. Head and chest are both gold. This has forever been the case so far, but this time we made it so. Now we try to turn it off manually from that point.
  50. Logs back on, everything is gold (as expected).
  51. Un-unifies headpiece.
  52. Logs off.
  53. Head is gold on selection screen.
  54. Logs on. Perhaps I need to have the character select screen open while logging off? The only issue there is that the menu closes all other windows. So I will use the /logout command.
  55. Opens equip window.
  56. Uses /logout.
  57. Head is still gold.
  58. Sighs.

At this point I'm really not sure what else to try, other than variations of what I've already done. I can't seem to recreate the work-around, in fact I can't even un-fix the character with the green helmet. The only thing I can think to do is do everything at once and close the whole game.

  1. Logs on.
  2. Unequips all gear.
  3. Manually unifies gloves/belt/pants/boots.
  4. Unequips helmet.
  5. Equips helmet.
  6. Toggles head slot off.
  7. Toggles head slot on.
  8. Keeps equip window open, types /quit, closes the game.
  9. Logs into launcher, opens game.
  10. Character has gold helmet and chestpiece.
  11. Clicks another character, clicks back, still gold.
  12. Logs into another character.
  13. Logs out.
  14. Helmet and chest are still gold.

I'm pretty much out of ideas. This is an obvious bug, these are the steps I've taken to find a workaround... but recreating the actual bug itself should prove no hassle at all.


PS: In case you were concerned, yes, I did /gquit on this character until I was done logging out :D

Edited by idnewton
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