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Good RP Server


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EU or US?


I have numerous characters on The Progenitor (EU) and can confirm there is a healthy amount of roleplayers for both the Republic and Empire. Key RP spots tend to be Tython/Korriban, Capital planets and cantinas (Nar Shaddaa seems to be good for cantina RP). I can't vouch for any US RP servers as I have never visited them.

Edited by LOLRoscoe
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Jung Ma is a good place for RP. Most of our RP's tend to either be slightly dark sided or neutral or revolve around Jedi. Imperials vastly outnumber the Republic here at a 3 to 1 ratio. (Although, the Republic seems to win most of the Warzone PvP and GSF. Might be because we have to fight 3 to 1 in Open World PvP most of the time.)
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