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Armormech Eng Game Augs and Aug Kits


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On a toon I got to lvl 55 lately, for the first time I dropped biochem for armormech, as I wanted one of my alts to be able to craft aug kits mk-9 and some augs for the toon's use and making some credits off it. But that failed miserably and I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or not.


As a starter, the recommended skill crews where underworld trading and scavenging. Surprise, surprise you need also slicing for mk-9 augs and for the lvl 55 augs. Any way, I had a toon with slicing maxed out so it wasn't a huge issue. Then to get the aug competent mk-9 I needed to craft items that cost 6-8 from the crafting two different components. Considering that a scavenge gives you 1-2 of one crafting competent, to get aug component mk-9 I estimated I need to kill between 60-80 strong or elite mobs. Okay, lets just buy the components, and 10 components sell for around the same level of the augment itself. I don't remember if you needed thermal regulators or not for augs.


For augs, I wanted to make the purp augs. Materiel wise these were decent, except the thermal regulators. So... I wanted to buy the regulators, and 4 of them cost slightly less than the purp aug. I switched to my alt, and I ran slicing missions. It took me roughly 20 missions to get 4 regulators (one piece). To aug my toon (14 pieces) that needed roughly 250 slicing missions, which is ridiculous amount of time.


Compared to biochem.. the amount of time and resources you need is insane. Am I missing something?

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I have characters on 4 servers, and this is the way it is on all of those economies. Basically, you're making money from crafting crits. The augments are selling at or just below cost (1 aug price = 4 Thermal regulator price).


If you have a cybertech, you can actually make more on the slot kits. (to clarify, using the cybertech to make droid parts. Probably the cheapest way to get mk-9 kit parts)

Edited by GenXCub
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This is a running theme across most crafting skills: the closer you get to the top end the lower the profit margin gets. Check out any purple quality item modification (armoring, mod, enhancement, barrel, hilt, and augment) vs what the materials to make them sell for and you will see similar trends.


This is why, I make blues for sale and save the purple mats for myself, friends, and guildies.

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