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Imperial HOMEFRONT Event ((Jan. 10th, 8:00pm))


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Imperial “Homefront” Event

((Begeren Colony))


What: Player-organized scavenger hunt, contest, and social event.

Who: You!! Invite all your friends; the more, the merrier.

When: Friday, January 10th @ 8:00pm Pacific (PST)

Where: Event begins in the Nexus Room Cantina, Kaas City.


No entry fee!

No level requirement!

No guild-membership requirement!


RSVP: Strongly requested. Gives us an idea how many to expect, and if the event fills, it guarantees your spot. You may reply to this thread with your Character Name, or you may in-game message “Homefront”, to sign-up.


Come celebrate the New Year and the 2nd anniversary of the <Imperial Northwestern Front>! Join us for a night of fun, player-organized and directed shenanigans, while competing for a number of prizes worth many millions of credits. Fancy a Tythonian saber? A Max-Tac Rifle? A huge pile of credits? Underworld relics and armorings crafted to your specifications? All that and more will be up for grabs on the night of the event!



Interested yet? Of course you are. Here’s how the build-up is going to work.


--> Within 36 hours of RSVPing for the event, you will get an information packet and confirmation in your in-game mailbox. It will have a summary of the rules, some tips, and a few reminders.


--> 3 days before the event, you will receive your team assignment. “Teams” have light RP and are distinguished by who sent you to the event. (e.g. Darth Marr or Keeper might each send a team.) You will receive an in-character message/ info packet that tells you a bit about your team. (Everyone is assigned to a team randomly. No, you may not pick your team in advance. Meet some new people. Optional mumble access will be provided to facilitate groups.)



On the night of the event, it’s best to think of the event in 3 stages.


--> Part 1 is the ‘mixer’. You will show up at the Nexus Room knowing your team assignment but not much else. Your “quest objective” for the mixer is to meet up with your team. Talk with your fellow contestants, look for your team-members… but be careful who you trust and be discrete! If a competing team is able to discern who has sent you to the event, your team will have an extra task to complete later on in the competition.


--> At some point after 8:00pm, there will be a staged ‘cutscene’ by the GameMasters, and the event will progress to Part 2. All of the teams who have found each other will immediately depart on the next stage. Part 2 is a multi-leg scavenger hunt/ trivia hunt that will take you to every corner of the galaxy. You will interact with GameMaster(s) at each location. Take note!! = Each GameMaster has been given a set of conditional responses to your actions. You may end up with a harder or easier challenge, or a vague or specific clue depending on how you interact with them. This can dramatically impact your chances of success, so chose wisely!


--> After a third or more of the teams have completed the scavenger hunt, everyone will return to the Nexus Cantina for the party. We will award the grand prize to the team that finished the scavenger hunt first. We will also raffle off various other worthy and tasty prizes. This raffle is open to anybody who was on a team that cleared the half-way mark of the hunt. Hang out, relax, and give us feedback on what we can do to make the next one better!



Cheers, all!

I hope you are even half as excited to take part as I am to run it!

Questions? Post below or mail “Scottie” in-game!


Don’t forget to RSVP, and see you on the 10th!



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