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What ever happened to Exiles?


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So I picked up a week sub off of a referral, to see how TOR is since I quit a while after launch. I used to play as Zharot (commando) and Gerrod (shadow).


What ever happened to Exiles? I remember playing with Kaelefth, Scyn, Consular, and Beleg, for names off the top of my head.

Edited by AManInBlack
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Most of them have left the game, though a few are still around and scattered in different guilds or off the server.

Sintone is still around and active, and Kallise and Elephant and Exius log in and play occasionally too. c:

Edited by SweetMegan
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Just a gradual loss of player interest in the game. Those that were left tried to make it work but ultimately most of us went our own way. Some people joined El Elyon (Tssa!) and Ascension (Kaelefth, Scyn, Hidago, Tachikoma, and more) and some joined Infamous (Sintone, Colie). A few are still in Exiles though. But yeah.. Mostly just loss of interest in TOR.
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Just a gradual loss of player interest in the game. Those that were left tried to make it work but ultimately most of us went our own way. Some people joined El Elyon (Tssa!) and Ascension (Kaelefth, Scyn, Hidago, Tachikoma, and more) and some joined Infamous (Sintone, Colie). A few are still in Exiles though. But yeah.. Mostly just loss of interest in TOR.


I'm still waiting for Nicole's portrait to be linked.

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