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Disappearing Background Characters, Missing Mailbox Filter & The Desert Exile Trap


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I've already posted this in the Customer Service thread, got no response whatsoever after nearly a week. Reposting here:


Bug 1. Certain NPC characters that cannot be interacted with (ie background characters) have been disappearing or failing to appear properly for me in the Red Light district on Nar Shadda.


Example: There are suppose to be "two big droids" near the taxi stop at the Red Light sector (near 3340, -3156, -3120). Also a little further in from the entrance (3316,-3266, -3126), there is a Twi'lek dancer with an alien worshipping at her feet and another human dancing near her. None of these show up for me.


These are only the ones I've caught, there are others, possibly in more than one area of the game. These characters do not show up for me at all, and has consistently failed to show up on subsequent visits to the Red Light Sector. The only reason I knew they were there was because someone else who was grouped with me saw them. I tried exiting the game then logging back in, and was able to see the Twi'lek dancer group, but they vanished as soon as I used the holiday mount "Sleigh I". My friend, who was able to see them, does not yet have a speeder ability and thus was not able to use the mount, this might be the trigger for the bug.


Bug 2. Not counting the mailboxes near the taxi stops, there are two main mailboxes in the central Promenade area on Nar Shadda, both located around either vendors or the Galactic Trade. One of them, the one near the vendors I believe, does not show up on the map filter for mailboxes.


Bug 3. In the NE corner of the Jundland area on Tatooine, there is a portion of the map, along with enemies, that is inside the exhaustion zone. When I first went there, I was curious about a certain Desert Exile enemy that was pretty deep inside the exhaustion zone, but still visible from outside by his little tent. Of course like any intrepid player would do, I braved the heat exhaustion and made my way towards there until I could see the enemy and told my companion to attack. My companion being a melee attacker, ran towards the enemy, but I died before he reached him. When I revived back at the med center, I was stuck in combat.


Perpetually stuck in combat. :mon_trap:


I couldn't do ANYTHING, not even log off normally. Typing /stuck just killed me and then revive at med center still stuck in combat. Going into the exhaustion zone again just repeated the same tragedy of dying a few feet within reach of the enemy without being able to even get its attention. And revived at med center stuck in combat. Forcing game to exit by using Alt + F4 and then logging back in again... STILL stuck in combat.


Nothing worked until someone told me to kill another enemy. That finally got the combat bug to come off.


This is a plea to either move the enemies into the normal zone, remove that Desert Exile completely, or fix the damn STUCK IN COMBAT bug. Please save other intrepid, TOR loving players from the same torture I went through.:jawa_frown:

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I've already posted this in the Customer Service thread, got no response whatsoever after nearly a week. Reposting here:


Bug 1. Certain NPC characters that cannot be interacted with (ie background characters) have been disappearing or failing to appear properly for me in the Red Light district on Nar Shadda.


Example: There are suppose to be "two big droids" near the taxi stop at the Red Light sector (near 3340, -3156, -3120). Also a little further in from the entrance (3316,-3266, -3126), there is a Twi'lek dancer with an alien worshipping at her feet and another human dancing near her. None of these show up for me.


These are only the ones I've caught, there are others, possibly in more than one area of the game. These characters do not show up for me at all, and has consistently failed to show up on subsequent visits to the Red Light Sector. The only reason I knew they were there was because someone else who was grouped with me saw them. I tried exiting the game then logging back in, and was able to see the Twi'lek dancer group, but they vanished as soon as I used the holiday mount "Sleigh I". My friend, who was able to see them, does not yet have a speeder ability and thus was not able to use the mount, this might be the trigger for the bug.



Graphic settings and corrupt game files can change what you see in the background. Try a forced repair (do all five steps, stopping after each step to see if the problem is fixed):



Bug 3. In the NE corner of the Jundland area on Tatooine, there is a portion of the map, along with enemies, that is inside the exhaustion zone. When I first went there, I was curious about a certain Desert Exile enemy that was pretty deep inside the exhaustion zone, but still visible from outside by his little tent. Of course like any intrepid player would do, I braved the heat exhaustion and made my way towards there until I could see the enemy and told my companion to attack. My companion being a melee attacker, ran towards the enemy, but I died before he reached him. When I revived back at the med center, I was stuck in combat.


Perpetually stuck in combat. :mon_trap:


I couldn't do ANYTHING, not even log off normally. Typing /stuck just killed me and then revive at med center still stuck in combat. Going into the exhaustion zone again just repeated the same tragedy of dying a few feet within reach of the enemy without being able to even get its attention. And revived at med center stuck in combat. Forcing game to exit by using Alt + F4 and then logging back in again... STILL stuck in combat.


Nothing worked until someone told me to kill another enemy. That finally got the combat bug to come off.


This is a plea to either move the enemies into the normal zone, remove that Desert Exile completely, or fix the damn STUCK IN COMBAT bug. Please save other intrepid, TOR loving players from the same torture I went through.:jawa_frown:


This area is for an Imperial Agent class quest: he gets transported here for his class quest. They may need to make the exhaustion area stronger for players like you.


Bug 2 sounds like a legitimate bug: there are a few other items without map markers.

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