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Looking for Mandalorian guild RP/PVP


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We have a few, although what exactly are you looking for besides a Mandalorian themed guild?


I believe there are three clans currently active, and another guild called Mando'ade Aliite that's basically like a cheap knockoff of the Mandalorian culture. Bes'ulik (I may have butchered that spelling) was the main one I heard of, but I'm not sure if they're still very active.


I would also recommend digging around begerencolony.org, and see if you can find more information there. A good community of RPers exist there, along with information regarding the server wide RP events they hold every week.

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You were close! Clan Bes'uliik is a heavy RP Mandalorian guild. We used to do a lot of pvp, but lately we've been focusing solely on RP. A few of us do lowbie pvp when we level, but RP is and will always be the main focus of the guild.


We RP as a small, traditional Mandalorian clan rebuilding after Hydian Way. We follow the Resol'nare very strictly and answer the current Mandalore's call.


There are a few other Mandalorian RP guilds. One other I am aware of is Clan Adenn, who RP worshipers of the ancient Mandalorian Destroyer God, Kad Ha'rangir, I believe. They always seem very active.


I hope that helps!

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