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Is it my imagine?


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Last night I was in a 16 man group doing story mode operation at Dread Fortress. What we got to Draxus we wiped 3 straight times before hanging it up. The group was well geared. My sentinel is fully 180 geared and some of them had better stats then I do. Most of the players are very experiencd and couldn't believe what was happening. Last week I was in another group and we went through this op with no problems. Is it my imagination that things have become harder? There were more adds and they were stronger when Draxus was almost down. is it my imagination that thing s have become harder? I have quit doing hard mode ops because of this as almost every group I have been in has wiped. Even Tobarro's court will wipe almost every time in hard mode.
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It's "imagination", and, no, I don't think things are more difficult.


For one, for any changes to have been made, there would have had to be a patch, and there hasn't been one for a couple weeks.


For the other: both Draxus in DF and Toborro's Courtyard (HM especially) is all about pitch-perfect add management. I could easily see problems with both in a PUG group.

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No, things have not gotten harder, your group was probably just doing it wrong. With the comm system, I wouldn't take gear as an indicator of raid experience and competency, especially if it doesn't have a set bonus. My group brought a 40k hp commando healer in mostly 78s into a SM DF run and he had never done a single fight, as indicated my his achievements.

The people in your group were probably geared but doing it wrong. They were probably dps'ing Draxus whenever he was down, forcing add phases to come in immediate succession, downing the Subteroths at the same time without using defensive cooldowns, not interrupting the Corrupters, attempting to ranged dps through the resist bubbles, and just generally being bad at fighting the Guradians and Dispatchers.

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They were probably dps'ing Draxus whenever he was down, forcing add phases to come in immediate succession


My group does that in our successful one-shots of Draxus in 8m SM. That's not necessarily an incorrect strategy (since the OP didn't mention the DF difficulty).


The rest of the things you mention, though--yes.

Edited by AlixMV
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My group does that in our successful one-shots of Draxus in 8m SM. That's not necessarily an incorrect strategy (since the OP didn't mention the DF difficulty).


The rest of the things you mention, though--yes.


It's not hard, I usually do it in my HM downs. It just puts more stress on the healers, and those pug healers could be awful.

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