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The Alchemy of Evil


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Other question. How are you supposed to get the Yozusk Beastiary Codex on Dromund Kaas? SWTOR-SPY says its near the Datacron in the Shadow Spawn area ... but there is never a Yozusk there.


The yozusk that gives the codex entry(Yozusk Platesmasher, I believe) does indeed spawn near the datacron over there, but it only spawns once per instance. So if you go there and it's not there, switch to a different instance and see if it's there instead. If it's not on any of the current instances, you'll have to wait until a new instance spawns, which is dependent on how many people are on DK. This situation is doubly frustrating because the Platesmasher is also needed for the elite/champion achievement on DK.

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