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Something needs to change with the matchmaking


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It's becoming clear that the matchmaking is pitting really strong teams vs teams that have no chance. i normally win in about 2/3 of my matches, and I have just been in a series of matches where the side I was on lost by an average of 1000 to 70. Individuals on the other side are getting more kills than my entire side.


It's obvious the other team is very superior in their ship upgrades and their coordination, and every dogfight is 1 vs 2 or 3 very quickly with a gunship that moves in to finish you off within seconds. They can dominate all 3 satellite points easily.


It's even gotten to the point where players on my side (at that point playing Imperial, so complaining about Republic players) were cheating, and have been all week. Claiming that they took zero damage from Proton torpedoes. Some of the cheating claims I that I have been able to try for myself only looked like good play and powerful upgrades to me, though I have seen firsthand the same opposing players seemingly unaffected by capital ship turret fire (also seeing Scouts with 30 hits and 12 kills and 10 assists is suspicious, but hardly proof). But even if I assume no one is cheating, the mere fact that the claims of it are so widespread and believed just shows how badly the teams are matched, and is ruining the experience for a lot of folks.


Not really sure what can be done except mayeb to try to match up premades vs premades more, even if the queues end up longer.

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There is no matchmaking.


pretty sure this is true. There is murmurs that a matchmaking system does exist but there is currently no evidence that one is active. Hopefully there will be one in the future to ease the F2P into it and not get Rofl stomped so bad they give GSF the finger and walk away leaving the player pool reduced.


If you hate F2Pers BTW remember that there are Subs out there who are not ready to stop other content yet but will start GSF someday.

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That would explain why I'm facing the same premades 10 matches in a row. People are now just dropping from the ops group when they see the same teams over and over and know that it's a loss before the match begins.


Been seeing this a lot, especially when it's the same 4man premade in an 8v8 match.


Considering bioware hasn't implemented a matchmaking system in ground pvp though, won't hold my breath for matchmaking of any kind here either.:rolleyes:

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As others have said there is no match making yet.


What we are seeing though, is well coordinated teams of 4 working together with voice coms. Get one of those against you and it is trouble, two of those groups and you get farmed. I always start to worry when I 1st log into a match and the other side already has 10 players and your on 3, with a min to go To me that means you have groups against you and I almost always see a huge loss when that happens.


No idea if that is fixable or even if a matchmaking is possible when you have groups? But I agree it is rough on players.

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