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The Truth about "One Shots"


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If i can kill a target in 1 second it might as well be a one-shot becuase once you factor in server latency and humen reaction time you will realise that a one second kill means that the target is dead just as their brain registers the first hit. Technically that is not a one-shot but for practical intents it is b/c if you can't react fast enough to evade then you might as well be instagibbed.


Your point is fair enough, I only declare the distinction because a burst kill does require more skill from the pilot.


My point has been in this thread and to a much larger degree in my other thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=705697 that this Scout Burst kill(you say one shot) is indeed too fast to respond to. More pointedly that it works equally well against the heavyer fighters who rely on their armor buying them precious moments to try to evade.


While it is reasonable to have examples of Scouts being One shot or Burst killed, as a consequence to their power to weight design. It is not acceptable for one shot to apply to the heavys.


Note: Surprising fact to some but Strike Fighters are basically as tough armor/shield wise as GS.

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Personally, I don't give a damn what you call it. If you register one hit and dead, that's a oneshot as far as I'm concerned and I expect most players will agree with me. You want a more technical definition, fine, have at. But don't expect anyone else to go along with nit picking when it's just an attempt to claim there's no problem when one is becoming obvious.


You sir need to Chill, it's a discussion forum not a bar argument.


Now I agree on the result of how the average player will respond, which will be along the lines of:

"***, I'm so done with this"


"That guy is hacking"

I've heard it already and one of the players who said it has lost interest in GSF.


I'm on a crusade against the flashfire/sting burst. It's in my opinion that it is out of balance and a not intended result of the Devs design. However for those that disagree I offer this second perspective.


It feels OP and diminishes the amount of positive experience the average player will feel, causing them to dislike GSF and for the player base to fail to grow. This is PvP, no players no game. It might be fun for some pilots to go around blasting folk away with no chance but your booking the funeral of GSF for some short term fun.

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