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Making the game better


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For those that enjoy GSF, what could be done to make it a better game beyond nerfing?


Here are some idea that will never happen that would make GSF a lot better game to play in my opinion:

1) A force organization chart. Make it so that there are only so many slots available to play a given fighter. For example, in a 12 v 12, make it so that there are only 2 Gunship slots, 4 scout slots and 6 star fighter slots.


2) Make it so that only star fighters can capture objectives. The games would naturally balance out if that was the case.


3) A point system where the fight has a certain total number of points. The top tiered ships simply use up more available points where the low power ships are cheaper as far as a match is concerned. Sure, you can have a few fully mastered ships against a mob of fresh stock ships.


Personally I would love to see a combo of 1 & 2


Obviously, there needs to be a ranking system. The game now is pretty much closed to new players since they are just mercilessly chewed up.

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I couldn't agree more. New players don't stand a chance. I just was killed by the same up-geared gunship 5 times with single shot kills. The game could also use a close in scan instead of just the over-view display. Show us what enemies are around us out to 20,000m so we could have a better idea when someone is approaching from behind.
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