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Make my Christmas wish by responding to this please?


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Not even close to being "regular" green.


-Green, how it is now- (more like yellow-green)



-Green, HOW IT WAS and how it SHOULD BE-


Edited by OfaraAerno
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Nope. That's regular green. Sad isn't it?

With all due respect, I love this game and think it's great since I've been playing since beta. But I think it's pretty sad how this is even remotely close to being acceptable. I mean even games in the late 1990's and early 2000's could make the lightsaber lighting of green and every other color crystal RIGHT. Now we are almost in 2014 and this game is a huge part of the Star Wars franchise and they don't notice or don't care about it to fix it, is REALLY mind boggling to me. It's almost like they don't care to even take notice to this after people post about it endlessly. What's the point of even trying to make them see the problem when I personally feel like I'm talking to a wall and this goes unseen. Even with the lightsaber throw glitch, people have been reporting that for a while now. It's been bugged for about 3 months now, that is so unacceptable how the designers do not see that and don't even put it in the bugs that they have listed that are not fixed yet.

Edited by OfaraAerno
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