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A good Marauder Build?


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At 28, you do basically are crippled as carnage (no massacre, or gore), you are just starting to get into anni, and have 100% of the abilites you need to rage.


So I would say, rage is the most fully fleshed out of the specs.


A decent 28 build is something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100ZZfMrkbr.3.


The tier 2 talent Cloak of Rage or Strangulate is completely up to you. I would go with cloak of rage if you are soloing more, and Strangulate for dpsing in FPs.


You CAN go anni at this point, but you miss out on pulverize, so you don't really get the feel of being the "dot" spec, as your dots have long cd's and frankly while soloing, you're better off spaming vicious slash.


HOWEVER, anni does have the 2 most useful tier 1 talents, Short Fuse and Enraged Slash. So, you will end up just spamming vicious slash a lot and using your berserk. Up to you, but I would hold off on anni till 32 when you can fully spec Pulverize.


Carnage is great, and a great soloing spec...but doesn't get ANY useful abilities until 30. After you get gore, knock yourself out with carnage, but realize also that you won't have Execute running nearly as often as you like until you finally get Massacre at 45.


What I would do (well, what I actually did) is,


10-31 : Rage

32-44 : Annihilate

45+ : Whatever you want, though I would stick with Anni until 50 and you get the 2 anni Tier 1's, then you can use whichever spec you'd like.

Edited by theonepanda
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The fella above me is pretty spot on. While Carnage is a great spec, it really does not get viable until you get Massacre. Before Massacre, Ataru procs are going to be pretty abysmal. Gore makes the spec okay, but early on you are better to spec into Rage or Annihilation.


Personally, I find that once you get Hungering and Juyo Mastery, Annihilation is the way to go. If you use Quinn, it's even better. I find I have a lot less downtime this route than I do with Rage. You will also be able to handle 2+ heroics fairly easily as well. Of course, this doesn't mean Rage can't do it, this is just my personal preference.


If it were me, this is what I would do at level 28: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRMkM.3

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