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Is this still under development or is this the finished product?


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I've been playing this over the past few weeks, to break up the character quests.

I've been using the imperial fighter, not the scout or the gunship, as I wanted to try and master one ship type before trying the others. Unfortunately for me I have found this frustratingly irritating and rather play several matches at a time, I go back to the normal game, calm down, tell myself I am not going to be beat by this, queue again and repeat the circle all over again!


I class myself as an experience gamer, yet I cannot get grips with the controls of this part of the game. I haven't yet had one kill!!

I get told i'm getting shot at, where from I cant see and by the time i have tried to maneuver to where I think i the shooter is i'm 'Flash Frozen'!

I can't see the other player ships long enough to even target them as they fly about (I'm assuming the that's why the scout class seems to be the most popular choice)


I've lowered the sensitivity of my mouse as low as i can as it was originally near impossible to target anything.


I love the Star Wars experience and have been a player right from original Beta testing and am a continued subscriber, but I much preferred the Star Wars Galaxies when it comes to space flight and PVP.


I think this has a lot of fine tuning to do and I hope that this isn't going to be left as it is.

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You need to practice, practice practice. Also know that this is a very limited version of GSF> The devs have said that they want to make sure it is stable and balanced before they start adding more things to it. And to their credit, apart from a couple of minor bugs, theyve got it pretty much spot on.
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You need to practice, practice practice. Also know that this is a very limited version of GSF> The devs have said that they want to make sure it is stable and balanced before they start adding more things to it. And to their credit, apart from a couple of minor bugs, they've got it pretty much spot on.


Totally agree with you re the Practice, and I will be doing just that. Just so frustrating when being destroyed every few seconds, but I agree practice make perfect and there are players that I see tabling with 20+ kills.

I'm glad the this is not the final version and is still being tweaked..

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You need to practice, practice practice.


This. The learning curve is steep.


Also I initially focused on one ship too (the "strike fighter" as a matter of fact) and found that I was actually better with the scout. So try all the ships. Maybe you will find the scout of gunship more to your liking.

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When getting shot, don't try to look around for who it was. Get out of there. All 3 ships are too squishy for you to look around, especially since it's a good chance it's a scout shooting you. If you have a decent scout on you, you'll never get him off your back, you need something else to take care of them. Cap ship turrets, control point turrets, friends...something.


Alsk, they have said this is about half of the ships, and we're also missing an entire class of ship...the bomber. There are other game types they're working on as well, but no word on when they'll go live. Galactic Starfighter officially "launches" mid Feb.

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When getting shot, don't try to look around for who it was. Get out of there. All 3 ships are too squishy for you to look around, especially since it's a good chance it's a scout shooting you. If you have a decent scout on you, you'll never get him off your back, you need something else to take care of them. Cap ship turrets, control point turrets, friends...something.


Alsk, they have said this is about half of the ships, and we're also missing an entire class of ship...the bomber. There are other game types they're working on as well, but no word on when they'll go live. Galactic Starfighter officially "launches" mid Feb.


Best advice for new players. USE YOUR ENGINE ABILITY and fly to your turrets/sat and/or teammates. Ships that are on your tail are almost impossible to loop around to get put in your own sights if you're new to the game.

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Agree with above. . .


Biggest mistake I see noobies make, is not getting out of a tight spot. . .


My advice:

"Learn to let go. . "


When you decide to chase a target til he's dead, no matter what. Is when you get yourself into trouble.

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Totally agree with you re the Practice, and I will be doing just that. Just so frustrating when being destroyed every few seconds, but I agree practice make perfect and there are players that I see tabling with 20+ kills.

I'm glad the this is not the final version and is still being tweaked..


Find a person who is semi good at GSF and hang around with them. On TOFN, im giving 2 people tips on Gunships atm. Im nowhere near the best gunship pilot on TOFN, but with some instruction and a little guidance, those guys are starting to rip the battles up.


Also remember that kills mean nothing in GSF. It's completely different to ground pvp. In GSF you get max rewards for objective humping. The medals are there pretty much purely for achievements.

Edited by renegadeimp
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