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For the reason that they had a closed beta, that kept most players out of it. I am adding to my previous feedback in regards to gsf. As many have said and now I will again Joystick is a must, especially with the complicated realistic flight you put into the game. Speaking of the circle you have to keep your pointer inside as you control direction, or risk being put on auto pilot, and loosing control. Honestly this had a realism aspect to flight, that swg never had, learning to use that auto pilot outside the circle will take time. This being said I think it can be done.


Power control a clear takeoff of star trek online, however it makes sense for the star wars universe. As we all remember the scene where the squadron commander orders his squad to increase power to the forward shields. Components giving players a edge, a good thing.


Abilities this is the biggest draw back. Your trying too hard to be like star trek online. I know I played it with two toons to max. Developers you have to keep in mind in sto people are flying around cruisers, carriers, and fast attack ships like the bop. Even with the bop/defiant you do not fly at extreme speeds. In the star wars universe you have to be flying at extreme speeds. Not to mention this takes away from the skill of the player. If you want your sim to succeed. I strongly recommend you completely dump all abilities. The only abilities I would keep that are tied to components, are power to shields, and power to engines from weapons. Even that can be done by balancing your power.


Scout craft. This is a draw back. When the rest of the population gets their hands on this, most will be looking for the iconic designs seen in the star wars universe. This means the scout. It felt extremely squashy to me, even more so then the old A wing back in swg. Believe me thats saying allot. So before release to all I would look into that.


Cockpit view given from what Ive seen. I think this is extremely important, but not right now. The abilities need to be dumped and the sim calibrated to skill, along with a joystick. The sensitivity of movement within the circle and the game is such, that I feel like I am flying my old B-wing back in swg. Allot of players never flew that ship, despite its firepower, because it was extremely easy to loose control of at high speeds. It took me qualifying for all three rebel squadrons as ace before I found a way to control it. This is exactly my point. With a Joystick you can control that kind of movement, with a mouse it is damn near impossible. Most people are going to be flying into walls, get frustrated and never return.


So if you do anything, and if you are at all serious about feedback, please add joystick. Also I ask that you remove abilities.

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Joystick is far less sensitive and accurate than mouse, will you never understand that?

If they put in joystick control as a second possibility, joystickers will get owned. You don't control the ship in GSF, you control aiming recticule, ship just follows it. That would make aiming with joystick about as accurate as aiming with controller on consoles, and you know why console and PC games don't share multiplayer servers? Because mouse is more accurate.

I know and understand that you would feel more like a pilot if you could use joystick, but this is not a simulator, this is an arcade minigame in a MMORPG. Using joystick to fly would be like using a steering wheel to drive in GTA, and joystick to fly in the same game.

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