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I find the controls to be a bit on the difficult side.


The mouse will zoom from one side to the other with little effort on my end. This makes it really not that fun and it is very difficult to actually hit someone.


With the overly sensitive controls people just seem to get away very often, are hard to kill and I just don't have a lot of fun with it.


Go ahead and harass me, I don't care I am giving my feedback to make a better experience.


I think it is a great concept and I have played many many many fighter style games, the controls in this one are by far the worst I have come across. If they were fixed I could easily see this being my favorite part of SWTOR.

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Try adjusting the sensitivity of your mouse down if the controls are too sensitive or it could also be the acceleration is up too high as well.

Though judging from your other post you've made up your mind already, which is unfortunate. I hope that you do try again, a good way to get the mouse setting right is go into the tutorial and just spend some time adjusting sliders to see where you like them.


P.S. I am not saying the controls are great as they do leave much to be desired but many of the complaints can be fixed on the users end if they would spend the time getting them right.

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Try adjusting the sensitivity of your mouse down if the controls are too sensitive or it could also be the acceleration is up too high as well.

Though judging from your other post you've made up your mind already, which is unfortunate. I hope that you do try again, a good way to get the mouse setting right is go into the tutorial and just spend some time adjusting sliders to see where you like them.


P.S. I am not saying the controls are great as they do leave much to be desired but many of the complaints can be fixed on the users end if they would spend the time getting them right.


I appreciate your reply. You are the first nice person I have come across in GSF.


The other post was made after many more games of people just trolling, me getting 1 shot and just a bunch of other stuff.


Needless to say your post and the time you took to make it is appreciated.

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The GSF mouse pointer moves too quickly? That 's strange. For me it moves the same speed as as the ground game, the suggestion to fire up the tutorial (question mark @ top-right of the hangar window) and adjust sensitivity to taste is a good one.


One other note: GSF is a very different type of gameplay compared to the rest of SWTOR, even the PVE space combat. It took me a good 5 matches to get past the "I'm completely lost" stage - that might be a factor in the difficulty you're experiencing.

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Controls are royal fu-bar. Mouse does not track well, you can’t turn accurately, you have marginal control of your speed and targeting is based on if your circle is over the target when the button is pressed. The basic controls are identical to the existing ship based content, which are horrid. The only difference is that you are not on a rail and you have more buttons to press.


You’re a flying gun-turret. You can turn faster and shot things easer if you’re at zero speed.


I know plenty of players who simply do not play this because the controls are so bad and they know the developers are not going to fix them. Developers don't seek there feed back because they don't play that content.

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Controls are royal fu-bar. Mouse does not track well, you can’t turn accurately, you have marginal control of your speed and targeting is based on if your circle is over the target when the button is pressed. The basic controls are identical to the existing ship based content, which are horrid.

I have no trouble with them, nor apparently do the people streaming & youtubing. I'd like the ability to temporarily disable nose-follows-pointer for better strafing but that's a wish rather than a necessity.


Weapons fire at pointer. Nose follows pointer. This form of mouse control is very intuitive, but does initially feel odd if you have never used it before. If your mouse pointer is not moving smoothly then you have a technical issue, mine's fine.


Speed control: W = 100% throttle, no key pressed = 66%, S = 33%, X = 0%. Spacebar = boost aka afterburner. I have not encountered any situation in 195 matches where I desired more granular control than that.


The only difference is that you are not on a rail and you have more buttons to press.

Freeform flight is a fundamental difference that makes GSF completely different to the PVE space combat all by itself. Having full control of your ship in 3D space is very disorienting and it takes a fair few matches to be able to move around without getting lost and crashing. This is not due to poor design, it's because 3D space is a very different environment and play experience to the ground game and on-rails PVE space combat. It takes practice, and some people seem to be mistaking that for bad design and poor controls.


Power control is also very important and I change it very frequently depending on the situation. GSF is far more than just the previous space combat without the rails.


You’re a flying gun-turret. You can turn faster and shot things easer if you’re at zero speed.

Incorrect. When stationary (press X/use railgun zoom) you turn significantly slower than when moving. Holding S to throttle down but remain moving appears to yield the tightest turns.

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I appreciate your reply. You are the first nice person I have come across in GSF.


The other post was made after many more games of people just trolling, me getting 1 shot and just a bunch of other stuff.


Needless to say your post and the time you took to make it is appreciated.


I never encountered such hostility in GSF :eek: Looks like you had a pretty raw deal...


That been said, yeah the controls are a bit odd. I sometimes feel like they're oversensitive, but my ship feels sluggish. Flying a scout fixes that problem to an extent, but I feel like the mouse controls could use a bit of polish. If you've played Freelancer - which also uses mouse + keyboard rather than joystick - you'll know what I mean. That game felt a lot smoother.


It all comes down to lots of practice... See if you can find a wingman (or be someone's wingman)! If you ever feel the need to give GSF another shot, send me a PM on the boards. I don't know how long I'll be subbed but I'll be around at the very least till mid Jan. I'd be happy to help out :)


Also, drop the mouse sensitivity as low as possible. It should help a bit...

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