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Bah humbug


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Right now as far as i can remember this is the first time ive posted here so hello all :)


but what a miserable bunch we are, I've played a lot of MMos from MUDs (look it up if your too young) UO which i still look back on with rose tinted glasses :), Asherens call(wasnt all that great), WoW (my god how many hours did i spend playing this!!), SWG ( I loved my wookie) , Warhammer (very good PvP), Conan (meh) and now this and I'd say this is so far about the least friendly/helpful place ive been.

I was onboard the republic fleet and asked a load of people (polity i might add not just running up to them and trying to invite them) if i could add them to a group so i could start a guild. after about 15 minutes I got 1 reply from the very nice Lulisha.


now I dont expect everybody to jump at the chance to join a group so some random stranger might start a guild but not being able to pick up 4 people in 15 minutes is bloody dire.


is it always like this or did i just hit a bad time?


if this is my first post its not a very good one but there you go :)

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Right now as far as i can remember this is the first time ive posted here so hello all :)


but what a miserable bunch we are, I've played a lot of MMos from MUDs (look it up if your too young) UO which i still look back on with rose tinted glasses :), Asherens call(wasnt all that great), WoW (my god how many hours did i spend playing this!!), SWG ( I loved my wookie) , Warhammer (very good PvP), Conan (meh) and now this and I'd say this is so far about the least friendly/helpful place ive been.

I was onboard the republic fleet and asked a load of people (polity i might add not just running up to them and trying to invite them) if i could add them to a group so i could start a guild. after about 15 minutes I got 1 reply from the very nice Lulisha.


now I dont expect everybody to jump at the chance to join a group so some random stranger might start a guild but not being able to pick up 4 people in 15 minutes is bloody dire.


is it always like this or did i just hit a bad time?


if this is my first post its not a very good one but there you go :)


I think it's quite often like this. Not sure but I allways get the feeling that our server community is well, crappy compared to the US servers.


Then again I might be totally wrong :D


Anyway's welcome aboard. You recruiting? My gunslinger could use a guild on the rep side :D

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