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Technical idea to make hood toggle work?


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Hey guys,


As has been suggested/asked many times already, a simple search for "hood toggle" on the forums returning plenty of results, the people would like a hood toggle. We've already been answered on several occassions it's technically not easy to make such a thing. Apparently because on armors there is not such property and value that would effect the actual hood, and adding it would apparently require a vast amount of reprogramming.


I was thinking recently how much I would like for my Guardian to be able to properly put down the hood of his Battlelord chestpiece in his neck. Although I'm sure the development team has already thought extensively on the issue, I came up with a possible (quick and dirty) solution on how the hood toggle might become reality.


We know of most robes there's a hood up and hood down version in the game's coding. My suggestion revolves around "pairing" these two appearances and link them, through coding, to a hood toggle button/slider/setting/whichever. The toggle itself would load the opposite paired up armor model and apply any potential dye that's been added upon activation, resulting in the desired effect. Of course I have no understanding of the game's architecture, but hope adding the scripting for this isn't impossible.


If anything, I volunteer for dipping through the gamefiles and spending a vast amount of time linking the proper armor models up, just to show how much I would like to see this feature implemented.


Please, let me know your thoughts and possible oversights I'm making on this. :)


Ps. While we're at it, perhaps you can re-enable chatbubble activation through the .ini modification? I'll gladly take a hit in performance or unstable performance if I could just have chatbubbles. :)

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