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Leathality Sniper's Corrosive Dart Not Reapplying Even Though Over 110% Tech Acc.


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I have come across an interesting problem while playing my Sniper in Lethality spec. I am over 110% tech accuracy. Now, that being said, sometimes when I reapply my Corrosive Dart, it does not reapply and acts as though it misses and the weaker version from Lingering Toxins comes out. I've done countless parses trying to figure out why or when it does not reapply or "miss". The only times this happens is when i'm reapplying CD ( this is how I will refer to Corrosive Dart from here out) exactly at the same time that it is switching from the regular strength to the weaker version caused by Lingering Toxins. My rotation just happens to be exactly 18 seconds and CD's duration is 18 seconds. Often, I am reapplying right around the time it switches. It is those rare instances where I'm reapplying during the split second of the switch that it appears as though my new CD does not register and "misses", though with tech accuracy over 110%, it should never miss.


I have a video I made and have uploaded to Youtube for you see where it happens 3 times in little over 3 minutes. you can hear my voice in the background marking the instances.




I use a static rotation the whole way thru the video consisting of -


Corrosive Grenade, Corrosive Dart, Weakening Blast, Cull, Takedown, Series of Shots, Rifle Shot, Cull, Takedown

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