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I call "BS" on gunship OP claims.....


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You're dodging the question, and one bit of anecdotal evidence doesn't make a point. Scouts and strikes have NO option for long range fighting, gunships have extraordinary long range capabilities and very strong short range capabilities. So should we change the max range on concussion missiles to 15km?


They are not supposed to have long range....other than the proton torpedo, etc.


The Gunship is like a Tank.......smaller, agile craft can evade the cone of fire and zip in to get the kill......


Happens to me all the time in my gunship....


and, I do it all the time in my scouts and strike fighters.....


Cries about "inbalance" are just folks who can't figure out the mechanics of the game.....


Get over it.....

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i normally play a gunship majority of time.. decided to take my strike fighter out that has zero mods done. top 3 of everything by end of match and gunships some i know to be good players i downed more times than they got me.


to me none of the ships are over powered, problem likes alot in players skill or there lack off. as my gunship i see so many scouts and fighters take a straight line of sight to me and they wonder why there dead? lol good players will circle around me not engaguing me till they got there best position same as i do on the gunship.

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i normally play a gunship majority of time.. decided to take my strike fighter out that has zero mods done. top 3 of everything by end of match and gunships some i know to be good players i downed more times than they got me.


to me none of the ships are over powered, problem likes alot in players skill or there lack off. as my gunship i see so many scouts and fighters take a straight line of sight to me and they wonder why there dead? lol good players will circle around me not engaguing me till they got there best position same as i do on the gunship.


The problem with gunships is not a problem with all gunships in general, indeed the average gunship is quite balanced: lethal at long range, vulnerable at short, and people shot by gunships generally are given a chance to react and find safety before dying (unless they're already beat up, in which case it's fine).


The problems lie with a specific series of issues with certain gunship components, usually when they are fully upgraded, in the hands of pilots who know how to take advantage of these issues (there's a handful of those on my server, for example). In those situations, yes, Gunships are broken and OP. Check out Nemarus' thread, and you'll see that he's not calling for Gunships to hit with wet noodles. Indeed the only suggestion that lowers the lethality of a gunship's railguns is the nerf to bypass so it only affects primary weapons, which is a very reasonable suggestion.


Of course there are overreactions and QQ threads, but that's the case about everything in gaming forums, after all. Though I would say even those provide valuable feedback to the devs, if there's a large enough deviation from the norm. Personally I can cope with Gunships very well (at least most of the time :) ), but there is something to be said for people's reactions to Gunships. When a large fraction of players have their enjoyment of a game diminished by an element of that game, that is usually a red flag for developers.

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They are not supposed to have long range....other than the proton torpedo, etc.


The Gunship is like a Tank.......smaller, agile craft can evade the cone of fire and zip in to get the kill......


Happens to me all the time in my gunship....


and, I do it all the time in my scouts and strike fighters.....


Cries about "inbalance" are just folks who can't figure out the mechanics of the game.....


Get over it.....


There's no reason to degrade this community into ad hominem attacks. Those arn't warranted and don't advance the discussion at all. Points should be refuted or reinforced with data and information, people shouldn't be attacked. That accomplishes nothing. Lets keep the starfighter community a good one and not drag it down into the mud.

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