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We need Team Deathmatch and Free For All


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Bioware, before you spend resources on designing more complex match types just give us these two classical competition modes. They should have been in from the very beggining, not to mention more and more people are getting sick with the Domination (hugging bases is NOT fun and yet that's what we are forced to do in order to win).


P.S. "Fix" dogfighting while you are at it so that we can actually hit each other in close range. Current state of dogfighting is unacceptable.

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P.S. "Fix" dogfighting while you are at it so that we can actually hit each other in close range. Current state of dogfighting is unacceptable.


Agreed, and I'd add that I'd give anything to lock cross hairs dead center. turning dogfights would be so much easier/fun if I didn't have to choose between pulling a tight turn to get the lead indicator dead center in my firing arc and keeping my crosshairs at the edge of the arc in order to be able to shoot my blasters where the lead indicator is.

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If you don't like a turning dogfight don't stay in one. How on EARTH is BW suppose to fix that? Make it so if you turn too much in 10 seconds you become immobile? That's a PLAYER choice problem, not a game problem. The only solution would be to drastically reduce maneuverability across the board so turning dogfights couldn't happen and we were all flying giant boats.


If you're stuck in a turning dogfight, boost out, look for cover, find a new angle of attack! WHen I'm stuck in a turning fight like that all I do is look for a good exit, then power to shields and boost. Find a new way in, and try to get a better angle. Uses some tactics and boring turning dogfights can get downright dynamic.


But seriously...how can BW fix this? If two players, both in ships of approximately equal maneuverability, are heck-bent on turning and turning and circling each other and refuse to break and look for a new angle then there's no way to stop that from a design perspective, at least not a way I can think of.

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Unless certain weapons are going to be banned in these matches and have a separate que, I really don't think it would be a good idea. Team Deathmatch, Free for all, or any type of matches centering on kills won't be much fun when you are always rooted by ion railguns from Gunship or get constantly ambushed by a couple of scouts with bypass who decided to team up, whom you never saw coming because they had max sensor damping, so you can't even target them beyond 6km.
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Theres a thread on Reddit that OP might like the see.


As far as Gunship dominance, That'll remain to be seen when the mode comes out. GS's are lining up kill after kill in Domination because capture points draw in the scouts and strike fighters.


It might be an entirely different story if they were given free reign to go out and kill without having to worry about cap points. I actually see scouts leading the DM charts because of their mobility and cooldown abilities.

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If their is no objective to attack or defend, there is no funnel for players to fall into. Therefore the whole area is free-range. TDM would work fairly well in GSF. It wouldn't work at all in ground game pvp, but GSF would compliment it nicely.


And FFA would work even better since if everyone is an enemy there will be no safe zones. FFA would probably a nightmare for gunships though.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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If you don't like a turning dogfight don't stay in one. How on EARTH is BW suppose to fix that? Make it so if you turn too much in 10 seconds you become immobile? That's a PLAYER choice problem, not a game problem. The only solution would be to drastically reduce maneuverability across the board so turning dogfights couldn't happen and we were all flying giant boats.


If you're stuck in a turning dogfight, boost out, look for cover, find a new angle of attack! WHen I'm stuck in a turning fight like that all I do is look for a good exit, then power to shields and boost. Find a new way in, and try to get a better angle. Uses some tactics and boring turning dogfights can get downright dynamic.


But seriously...how can BW fix this? If two players, both in ships of approximately equal maneuverability, are heck-bent on turning and turning and circling each other and refuse to break and look for a new angle then there's no way to stop that from a design perspective, at least not a way I can think of.



By removing the accuracy penalty in close range. It's not about having to turn, it's about massive numerical accuracy penalties in close range (nothing to do with player skill) which prevent you from landing a hit in a dogfight.

Edited by Kozor
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