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Which faction wins more games on your server?


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I'm on Shadowlands and I'm splitting my GSF time pretty much equally between Republic and Empire. I have played roughly 250 matches so far and my W-L record is around 135-115. The thing is, about 2/3 of the wins are when I play Republic and 2/3 of the losses are when I play Empire. Those numbers are all based on estimates since Legacy achievements don't differentiate the W-L record between characters.


One thing I am noticing is a 180 degree opposite of what happened in warzones. When I PVP on my Empire character, a LOT of my warzones are Empire vs Empire. I always assumed that meant most of the PVP community on Shadowlands were Empire players. When I play GSF on my Republic character, I am getting Republic vs Republic matches. I never get Empire vs Empire.


Just curious to know if other servers are seeing a similar dynamic play out.

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