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No sound?!?!?!


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First sorry for my bad english.


Second, ok i really like GS. little hard to understand how it work at the start but when you look your keybind and read some good guide over the internet you can be really good using all those tips. The only problem i have is I DONT HAVE ANY SOUND. rigth after the loading screen booommmm no sound, nothing, nada, rien. Some time when i die and wait for the respawn i can hear some music, but soon i get back to the action no sound. I know i saw some post in the test server forum and the day it came out on public server. After 2 full week nothing is fix. I posted here because i want to know if 1 the team is working on this bug and 2 if someone find a way to fix this bug. All my driver are up to date. Yes i use Win XP. Know im old school but i dont like win7 or 8. So please fix it so i can nuke some n00b whit a big bang rocket explosion sound.





Edited by Glav
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I've reported the same exact issue and posted a couple times also in the past two weeks. Seems it effects players who still use Windows XP. However, it must be a simnple fix somehow. They didn't change the entire sound system just for this. The complete games sounds return as soon as you exit space.


I guess there are not enough players with this issue for someone on the team to take a look at.


In the meantime, I cannot play it properly either.

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