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Fortitude / Might augment Swap


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Hello JC,


I just got back to SWTOR after about year away and I did something really stupid. I invested tons of hours crafting purple Might augments for my guardian who I've now decided will be a tank. So I now have 12 (un-bound) Might augments that I'd like to trade for 12 purple Fortitude augments.


If anyone would like to trade for the augs (or just pay me 1.14 mil for them, 95k each), I'd greatly appreciate it. You can find me in game at:






Thanks all.

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Please do not get Fort Augments for your tank, that's the worst thing you can augment. Personally I would keep the Might augs over using Fort ones.


This. Do not use fortitude augments. On your tank, augment for a combination of shield/absorb/defense depending on where your stats currently sit. You should be able to sell the might augments on the GTN and use the money to buy the appropriate tanking ones.


A 50k tank looks great in a pug until he starts getting gouged for huge hits by real content.

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I used to stack endurance augs as a tank then switched to stacking all mitigation and even though I dropped 4k hp I can take a heck of a lot more beating on. Endurance stacking tank = fail, Mitigation stacking tank = win. Having a huge hp pool only looks good to the naked eye as stated above.

Edited by Denerio
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