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Matchmaking is terrible - we need more players.


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On the server I'm on (Harbinger), it's nothing but Rep win after Rep win. This isn't a case of confirmation bias on my part, I seriously haven't had a win in about 10 matches, and this is with me making some effort to organise people.


The problems I'm seeing are that:


1) The servers are sharded, limiting the player base

2) It's subscriber only, further limiting the player base


Why is a small player base bad? Because it's impossible to have any half decent matchmaking with a small pool of players.


I feel like this dropped too early. There should have been cross-server play before this was even attempted. There are the making of a very solid space combat game here, but it's suffering because of the limitations of the current server architecture.


I really wish this was just a stand alone title, it doesn't add much of anything to SWToR, has very minor integration into the rest of the game, and is really just held back by the baggage of being part of an MMO.


I'm hoping this improves as more players are brought in - but if not, I hope there is some focus on getting in cross-server play, because otherwise I'll just go play War Thunder. It's not Starwars, but at least I have fun.

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