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An attempted missile lock should place hostiles into 'last attackers' list.


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A suggestion:


Whenever someone attempts to gain a missile lock on your ship, regardless of whether or not they succeed in attaining the lock and in firing the missile, that attempted lock should place that hostile pilot into your 'last attackers' list so that you can tab target to them specifically.


Right now you can just spam missile locks into a fight and cause chaos, as nobody knows where the "you're about to die" alert is coming from until they're actually hit.

Edited by Laiov
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totally agree.


in multi ship dogfights it would be nice to be able to target the threat shooting at you last.


We are bound by the constraints of our monitors even though the game space is 360 we cant really see the majority of it, so in addition to the last damage taken (R button) function Id suggest a last fired on funtion to indicate the attacker who last shot at you or attempted missile lock regardless of if you eluded it, so you can go from the prey to the predator more fluidly in the absence of true 360 awareness due to screen limits.

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In general the targetting system in this minigame is terrible- I also don't like how you can't try to get a missile lock on the ship in your sights unless you have them targetted. Make your decision BW- is this a twitch action space fighter, or another tab targetting mess?

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In general the targetting system in this minigame is terrible- I also don't like how you can't try to get a missile lock on the ship in your sights unless you have them targetted. Make your decision BW- is this a twitch action space fighter, or another tab targetting mess?


To be fair to BW that's not any different from the X-Wing series which they clearly were inspired by. You could dummy fire missiles in X-Wing but I think we can all live without have dummy fired concussion/torps to deal with in addition to the ones that get locked on.


but I agree with the OP.

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I don't see why the R key cannot simply be, cycle through enemies targeting me... forget the last hit, last fired stuff... just show me who is targeting me period. I think the x-wing/tie games were this way as was JTL etc.


To expand on that it would be great to have a target nearest friendly or a target nearest friendly's attacker binding too, would be lots of help to wingman.


Also in addition to the E key of target under reticule, an option to auto target whatever I am shooting at would be great. I've just used the force a couple times instead of reaching for the E key and landed a few hits on a near passer by as I was chasing someone else.

Edited by rbl_holmes
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I like the person above me's suggestion, but either the OPs or previous poster's suggestion would work for me. As it stands now, particularly as a Scout pilot, the only place I feel like there needs to be some patching is the hostile targetting. Both Scouts rely heavily on evasion, which means that if things are going -as planned- I'm not getting hit. That means I can not target the person attacking me, and am handicapped in mounting a turn around. Having an ability to target whoever is targetting me would make me very happy.
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