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Bomber Concerns


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For all the talk about ship balance there has been very little discussion about another kind of balance: attack vs defense.


Right now, I think this balance is just about perfect. Given well matched teams the satellites change hands constantly. I think I've seen more come from behind victories in two weeks of GSF than in two years of the ground game.


Given what I've read from the beta testers I wonder what the introduction of bombers in February will do to this balance. Apparently, bombers could spawn mines, turrets and remote spawn points.


Now I know this is somewhat premature and they held the bombers back for a reason, but from what I'm hearing I fear bombers could tip the balance in favor of defense and we'll get a situation like the side speeders in Alderaan Civil War where dead opponents return faster than the objective can be captured.


I'd appreciate any insights the beta testers can provide on this.

Edited by RebekahWSD
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Bombers were introduced late into the beta. They were too OP and were taken out. We can't make assumptions right now as Bioware is very likely modifying and revamping the whole ship, a lot may change from Beta to live, we just have to wait and see.
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